Captain America Vol 5 6 | Marvel Database | Fandom

Captain America Vol 5 6 | Marvel Database | Fandom

Captain America Vol 5 6

Somewhere beneath Philadelphia, Lukin's assassin installs a bomb, with Sharon lying bound and gagged in a nearby coffin, while Nomad's corpse is left as a decoy. He sets it on remote, then leaves.

Back on the Helicarrier, Fury meets with Agent Neal Tapper, who is concerned about Sharon not reporting (due to previously having a relationship with her). Fury "reassures" him by saying they have teams sweeping Philadelphia now, and says he can join them if he wants to. As Tapper takes a car to the city, he asks if Captain America knows, Fury says no.

Cap has his jet taken to the English Channel, then goes alone. Before then, the pilot asks where they are, and Cap says that this is the place where he died. It is actually the place where Cap and Bucky chased down a drone plane controlled by Zemo, and where they had previously been captured and tortured, Cap has decided to search there for answers first.

However, when he comes to the room where Zemo tortured them, he is shocked to discover Zemo and several Nazi soldiers, who promptly shoot at him. Cap tries to escape via a window and fight the Nazis outside, but just as he tries to do the latter, they all disappear. Cap deduces that it is all the work of the Cosmic Cube, and that Lukin probably has it, though he doesn't know to what end. He then has another memory flash, this one involving Rogers and Bucky attempting to grab onto Zemo's drone plane, but with Rogers letting go due to a booby trap, only for Bucky to be unable to let go and getting killed by the trap. Frightened, Cap heads back to the jet to head back to the Helicarrier, but he is suddenly hit with a vision of Sharon tied up, and tells the pilot to immediately head there.

Thirty minutes later, Cap calls Fury about Sharon, Fury advises he not go in, thinking she's bait, but Cap accepts the invitation, figuring the Cube was used to lure him. He promptly parachutes in and hangs up just before Fury can tell him something else. Cap quickly defeats the people guarding Sharon and frees her, but she reveals what the setup is: the man who killed Red Skull has a gun in them, and Sharon thinks it is Bucky. Up above, the assassin (whose face is now shown) has his gun on Cap, and asks Lukin if he can take the shot. Lukin declines, telling him he will get his chance in the future, and to detonate the bomb.

Meanwhile, Fury video calls Tapper, who has discovered Nomad's corpse and the bomb. He tries to disarm the bomb, but it goes off immediately, killing him and destroying a small chunk of the city in a bright green flash.

On a private plane not far from the city, Lukin is with a man named Leon and the Cube, intending to do something with it and some Americans.

Notes Continuity Notes [ ] It is revealed that Baron Zemo's English Channel, it was previously stated that the castle was situated in Newfoundland. Captain America himself remembered Zemo's castle in Newfoundland, but it is revealed that his memories of those events had been influenced by unreliable Army reports. The events previously shown in Avengers #56 have been heavily contraddicted by this issue, the original report shown in Avengers #4 can still be considered canonical, since those few scenes are also reported in this issue's flashback. Chronology Notes [ ]

A flashback in this story affects the chronology of the following characters:
Captain America / Steve Rogers

⏴Pag. 10, Panel 5⏵ ⏴Pag. 10, Panel 6⏵ ⏴Pag. 11, Panel 1⏵ Pag. 11, Panel 2 recaps the events shown in Avengers #4. ⏴Pag. 11, Panels 3-6⏵ ⏴Pag. 10, Panel 5⏵ ⏴Pag. 10, Panel 6⏵ ⏴Pag. 11, Panel 1⏵ Pag. 11, Panel 2 recaps the events shown in Avengers #4. ⏴Pag. 11, Panels 3-6⏵ Publication Notes [ ] This issue contains a letters page, Freedom of Speech. Letters are pubished by R. Cruz, Jesse VDW, Adam Schlagman, Jens, Roman Horozewshi, and Richard Vasseur. See Also 5 image(s) from Captain America Vol 5 6 4 reprint(s) of Captain America Vol 5 6 "
Человек-паук: Возвращение домой - Wikiwand

Человек-паук: Возвращение домой - Wikiwand

Человек-паук: Возвращение домой супергеройский фильм 2017 года производства Marvel Studios и Columbia Pictures / Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии Уважаемый Wikiwand AI, давайте упростим задачу, просто ответив на эти ключевые вопросы:

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«Челове́к-пау́к: Возвраще́ние домо́й» (англ. Spider-Man: Homecoming ) [комм 1] — американский супергеройский фильм 2017 года режиссёра Джона Уоттса с Томом Холландом в главной роли. Сценарий написан по комиксам Marvel о приключениях супергероя Человека-паука. Является вторым перезапуском франшизы о Человеке-пауке и 16-м по счёту кинокомиксом в медиафраншизе «Кинематографическая вселенная Marvel» (КВM). По сюжету, после событий фильма «Первый мститель: Противостояние» (2016), Питер Паркер пытается совместить школьную жизнь и борьбу с преступностью, а вскоре сталкивается с угрозой в лице Стервятника, роль которого исполнил Майкл Китон.

Quick facts: Человек-паук Возвращение домой, Жанры , Реж. ▼ Человек-паук: Возвращение домой англ. Spider-Man: Homecoming
Официальный постер для кинопроката в России Жанры боевик [1]
приключения [1]
научная фантастика [1]
супергероика [1] Режиссёр Джон Уоттс Продюсеры Кевин Файги
Эми Паскаль На основе комиксов Стэна Ли и Стива Дитко о Человеке-пауке Авторы
сценария Сюжет:
Джонатан Голдштейн ru en
Джон Фрэнсис Дейли
Джонатан Голдштейн
Джон Фрэнсис Дейли
Джон Уоттс
Кристофер Форд
Крис Маккенна
Эрик Соммерс В главных
ролях Том Холланд
Майкл Китон
Джон Фавро
Мариса Томей
Роберт Дауни-младший Оператор Сальваторе Тотино Композитор Майкл Джаккино Художник-постановщик Оливер Шолл [d] [2] Кинокомпании Columbia Pictures
Marvel Studios
Pascal Pictures Дистрибьютор Sony Pictures Releasing Длительность 133 мин [3] Бюджет $ 175 млн [4] Сборы $ 880 166 924 [4] Страна США Язык английский Год 2017 Предыдущий фильм Стражи Галактики. Часть 2
(в хронологии выхода фильмов КВМ)
Чёрная пантера
(в хронологии событий КВМ) Следующий фильм Человек-паук:
Вдали от дома
(в серии о Человеке-пауке)
Тор: Рагнарёк
(в хронологии выхода фильмов КВМ)
Доктор Стрэндж
(в хронологии событий КВМ) IMDb ID 2250912 Официальный сайт Медиафайлы на Викискладе Цитаты в Викицитатнике Close ▲

В феврале 2015 года студии Marvel и Sony заключили соглашение об использовании прав на Человека-паука, включив персонажа в КВM. В июне следующего года Холланд и Уоттс были утверждены на главную роль и режиссёрское кресло соответственно. В качестве авторов сюжета были приглашены Джонатан Голдштейн ru en и Джон Фрэнсис Дейли. В апреле 2016 года было оглашено название кинокомикса, а также состоялся подбор актёров. Съёмки начались в июне 2016 года и завершились в октябре того же года. Они проводились в павильонах студии Pinewood ru en , Атланте, Лос-Анджелесе и Нью-Йорке. Состав сценаристов был объявлен во время производства. Съёмочная команда приложила усилия, чтобы картина отличалась от остальных фильмов про Человека-паука.

Премьера киноленты состоялась 28 июня 2017 года в Голливуде. В широкий прокат картина вышла 6 июля в форматах 3D, IMAX и IMAX 3D. «Возвращение домой» собрало свыше $ 880 млн в мировом прокате, став второй кассовой экранизацией о Человеке-пауке и шестым по успешности фильмом 2017 года. Кинокомикс получил благоприятные отзывы критиков, хваливших легкомысленный тон, внимание на школьную жизнь Паркера и актёрскую игру Холланда и Китона. Продолжение, «Человек-паук: Вдали от дома», вышло в прокат 2 июля 2019 года. Третий фильм был выпущен 15 декабря 2021 года.

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New Americans Campaign | Top 6 Benefits of Citizenship

New Americans Campaign | Top 6 Benefits of Citizenship

Top 6 Benefits of Citizenship

Many opportunities are available only to U.S. citizens. This Citizenship Day we are breaking down some of these benefits and encouraging citizenship-eligible lawful permanent residents (LPRs) to take the next step toward becoming U.S. citizens.

1. Protection from deportation

Becoming a U.S. citizen protects you and your children from deportation. As a lawful permanent resident, certain criminal convictions could make you deportable, and some actions put LPRs at risk for permanent consequences such as deportation.

2. Citizenship for your children

Children under the age of 18 who are lawful permanent residents automatically become U.S. citizens when their parents naturalize. Since individuals cannot apply to naturalize until they turn 18, this is truly a gift from parents to your children.

3. Family reunification

U.S. citizens can file immigration petitions with the government to reunite with family members. Although LPRs can file petitions only for their spouses, minor children and unmarried adult sons and daughters, U.S. citizens can petition for additional family members such as parents, siblings and married adult sons and daughters.

4. Eligibility for government jobs

Some jobs are available only to U.S. citizens, such as those in the federal government. Additionally, naturalized citizens on average do better economically than noncitizens. As a group they earn between 50 and 70 percent more than noncitizens, have higher employment rates and are less likely to live below the poverty line. New citizens could also see individual earnings increases of 8 to 11 percent, directly tied to more job preparation, better employment matches and a greater ability to switch jobs.

5. Freedom to travel

LPRs’ travel time during a given year is restricted. U.S. citizens have the freedom to travel without these restrictions. They also have the opportunity to seek the help and protection of U.S. embassies and consulates abroad in the event of a personal crisis or civil unrest.

6. Ability to vote

The right to vote is also a benefit of U.S. citizenship. Only citizens have the opportunity to elect the leaders they believe will best represent themselves, their families and their communities.

Other benefits

U.S. citizenship comes with many other benefits. LPRs live, work and pay taxes here but do not have the same access to public benefits. Some public benefits and programs, such as Medicare, may require LPRs to pay expensive premiums. Citizenship ensures equal access to critically important benefits for older people and people with disabilities.

Many immigrants feel a strong connection to their country of origin. But U.S. citizenship does not mean losing your heritage. In fact, many countries even allow dual citizenship so that you can maintain your status both in your home country and in the U.S.

On Citizenship Day and all year long, New Americans Campaign partners across the country are helping LPRs achieve their dreams of citizenship and obtain a more secure, successful status in the United States.

Dams Out | California Trout

Dams Out | California Trout

Тор 6

Let us know if you are interested in volunteering and we will get in contact with you as soon as we can.

Do you have a question about CalTrout’s restoration work? Do you have any feedback or suggestions you’d like to share with us?

Thank you for your interest in the Elk River! One of our North Coast Region staff members will do their best to get back to you as soon as possible. However, please note that due to limited capacity we may not be able to respond to all questions or fulfill all requests.

Major Dams

Dams block access to historical spawning and rearing habitats. Downstream, dams alter the timing, frequency, duration, magnitude, and rate of change of flows decreasing habitat quality and survival.

CalTrout’s Top 6 California Dams for Removal Klamath River Dams Eel River Dams Matilija Dam Rindge Dam Searsville Dam Battle Creek Dams Sign up to hear from California Trout!

Sign up to hear from California Trout! CalTrout’s mission is to ensure healthy waters and resilient wild fish for a better California. Hear about our work and how to get involved through our monthly newsletter, The Streamkeeper’s Blog, “Trout Clout” action alerts, article from our e-magazine, The Current, event invites, and much more! We respect your privacy and will never sell or share your information with other organizations.

Endangerment Summary Table


To graphically represent the Level of Concern for each salmonid in California, a scoring bar is used to represent categories from 0.0 to 5.0:

What You Can Do!

The findings from this study have made it clear – the time to act is now. We can work together to ensure that California will always have resilient populations of wild fish thriving in clean, cold water streams.

Here are some things you can do today:

Support CalTrout – Your support directly enables us to increase our efforts and ensure people and fish thrive in California. Donate Today Speak up – Call your legislators and tell them that protecting our native fish is important to you. Stay informed – sign up to receive CalTrout’s e-newsletter and other important emails about California’s native fish and their waters. Be social – follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn and share with friends.

This factor refers to hard rock mining, from which contaminated tailings, mine effluents, and toxic pollutants may have been dumped or leached into streams, mostly from abandoned mines. Mercury mining, used for processing gold in placer and dredge mining, left a lasting negative impact on wildlife.


Human use of streams, lakes, and surrounding watersheds for recreation has greatly increased with population expansion. Boating, swimming, angling, off-road vehicles, ski resorts, golf courses and other activities or land uses can negatively impact salmonid populations and their habitats. The impacts are generally minor, however, concentration of multiple activities in one region or time of year may have cumulative impacts.


Development of towns and cities often negatively affects nearby streams through alteration for flood prevention, channelization, and water diversion, and increased pollution. The timing and magnitude of flows are altered by the increase in impervious surfaces such as pavement. Pollution from surface runoff, sewage discharges, and storm drains can degrade water quality and aquatic habitats.

Improperly managed livestock grazing can damage streambanks, limit riparian vegetation and increase sedimentation. This can result in a loss of habitat complexity, increased stream temperatures, and decreased spawning habitat conditions. Severe grazing in meadow streams can cause down cutting resulting in meadows drying out and reductions in streamflow.

Instream Mining

Widespread and often severe instream mining impacts occurred mid-19th to early 20th century due largely to hydraulic mining. Many rivers were excavated, dredged, and hydraulically mined for gold, causing dramatic stream degradation. Instream gravel mining also removed riparian vegetation and spawning gravels and degraded riparian habitats. Such mining is now largely banned, but lasting impacts remain in many areas.


Hatcheries and releases of hatchery reared salmonids into the wild can negatively impact wild populations through competition, predation, disease, and loss of fitness and genetic diversity. Hatchery influences are especially apparent to for anadromous species where dams blocked access to spawning habitat and hatcheries were established as mitigation. Inland trout can also be impacted with stocking of hatchery fish for recreation.

Estuary Alteration

All anadromous salmonids depend on estuaries for rearing during a portion of their lives. Most estuaries in the state are highly altered from human activities, especially diking, draining, and sandbar removal between the estuary and ocean. Land-uses surrounding estuaries often involve extensive wetland reclamation, greatly reducing ecological function and habitat complexity.

Harvest relates to legally regulated commercial, tribal, and recreational fisheries, as well as illegal harvest (poaching). Over-harvest can have substantial impacts on fish populations, particularly for those with already limited abundance or distributions, those which are isolated or reside in discrete habitats making them easy to catch (e.g. summer steelhead), or those that attain large adult size (e.g., Chinook salmon).

Transportation corridors such as highways confine stream channels and increase sedimentation, pollution, and habitat degradation from storm runoff and altered streamflows. Culverts and other passage or drainage modifications associated with roads often block migration and restrict fish movements, which can fragment populations.

Many heavily logged watersheds once supported the highest species diversity and abundance of fishes, including anadromous salmon and steelhead. Improperly managed logging increases sediment in streams, increases solar input which increases stream temperatures, and degrades riparian cover. Stream habitat is also degraded by the extensive network of unpaved roads that supports timber extraction.

Alien Species

Non-native species (including fishes and other aquatic organisms) are ubiquitous across many of California’s watersheds, their impacts on native species through hybridization, predation, competition, increased disease transmission, and habitat alteration can be severe.

Wildfires are a natural component of California’s landscape. However, fire suppression, coupled with climate change, has made modern fires more frequent, severe and catastrophic. The transition from relatively frequent understory fires to less frequent, but catastrophic, crown fires can have a severe impact on fish habitat and wipe out populations with narrow habitat ranges.


Impacts from agriculture include streams polluted by agricultural return water or farm effluent, reduced flow due to diversions which can affect migratory patterns, and increased silt and pesticides in streams. Marijuana grow operations, legal and illegal, were considered in this metric.

Residential Development

As California’s population grows, rural development increasingly encroaches along or near streams. Resulting impacts include water diversions, groundwater pumping, streambed alteration (to protect houses from flooding, construct road crossings, etc.), and pollution (especially from septic tanks and illegal waste dumping).

About the Authors MEET THE AUTHORS

Peter Moyle is the Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology and Associate Director of the Center for Watershed Sciences, at UC Davis. He is author or co-author of more than 240 publications, including the definitive Inland Fishes of California (2002). He is co-author of the 2017 book, Floodplains: Processes and Management for Ecosystem Services. His research interests include conservation of aquatic species, habitats, and ecosystems, including salmon, ecology of fishes of the San Francisco Estuary, ecology of California stream fishes, impact of introduced aquatic organisms, and use of floodplains by fish.

Robert Lusardi is the California Trout/UC Davis Wild and Coldwater Fish Researcher focused on establishing the basis for long-term science specific to California Trout’s wild and coldwater fish initiatives. His work bridges the widening gap between academic science and applied conservation policy, ensuring that rapidly developing science informs conservation projects throughout California. Dr. Lusardi resides at the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and works closely with Dr. Peter Moyle on numerous projects to help inform California Trout conservation policy. His recent research interests include Coho salmon on the Shasta River, the ecology of volcanic spring-fed rivers, inland trout conservation and management, and policy implications of trap and haul programs for anadromous fishes in California.

Patrick Samuel is the Conservation Program Coordinator for California Trout, a position he has held for almost two years, where he coordinates special research projects for California Trout, including the State of the Salmonids report. Prior to joining CalTrout, he worked with the Fisheries Leadership & Sustainability Forum, a non-profit that supports the eight federal regional fishery management councils around the country. Patrick got his start in fisheries as an undergraduate intern with NOAA Fisheries Protected Resources Division in Sacramento, and in his first field job as a crew member of the California Department of Fish & Wildlife’s Wild and Heritage Trout Program.

Top 6 Cybersecurity Threats - Check Point Software

Top 6 Cybersecurity Threats - Check Point Software

Top 6 Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity threats are attacks against an organization that can be intended to achieve various objectives. A cyberattacker may attempt to steal an organization’s sensitive information, disrupt its ability to provide services, or perform other actions that harm the business in some way.

Companies face cyber threats from multiple sources ranging from unsophisticated cybercriminals, commonly called “script kiddies”, to highly sophisticated threat actors backed by nation-states or organized crime. Cyberattacks can be extremely profitable to an attacker, provide access to valuable information, or enable an attacker to carry out political goals.

Types of Cybersecurity Threats

As companies become increasingly reliant on their infrastructure, their exposure to cyber threats expands. The introduction of cloud computing, mobile devices, the Internet of Things, and other devices has created numerous potential vectors by which a cyber threat actor can attack an organization.

As a result, the threat landscape has expanded significantly. The main types of cybersecurity threats that companies face today include malware, social engineering, web application exploits, supply chain attacks, Denial of Service attacks, and man-in-the-middle attacks.


Malware is malicious software that can be used to achieve many different goals on an infected system. Some of the most common types of malware include:

Ransomware: Ransomware encrypts files on an infected device using an encryption key known only to the attacker. The ransomware operator then demands a ransom from the victim in exchange for the encryption key needed to restore their data. In recent years, ransomware emerged as one of the most visible and expensive cyber threats that companies face. Trojan Horse: Trojan horse malware pretends to be something else, like a free version of valuable software. Once the victim downloads and runs the trojan on their computer, it executes its malicious functionality. Remote Access Trojan(RAT): RATs are a type of trojan designed to serve as an access point for follow-on attacks. Once the malware is running on the infected computer, it provides the attacker with remote access and control, enabling them to download other malware, steal sensitive data, or take other actions. Spyware: Spyware is malware designed to spy on and collect information about the user of an infected computer. Spyware may be designed to steal user credentials, financial data, and other sensitive and potentially valuable information that the attacker could sell or use in future attacks. Cryptojacking: Proof of Work (PoW) cryptocurrencies use a computationally expensive process called mining to create new blocks on the blockchain. Cryptojacking malware performs mining operations on an infected machine, using the victim’s computational power to create blocks and earn cryptocurrency for the attacker. Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering attacks use trickery, coercion, and other forms of psychological manipulation to get the target to do what the attacker wants. Some examples of common social engineering tactics include:

Phishing: Phishing attacks use social engineering techniques to try to trick the recipient into taking an action that benefits the attacker. Phishing messages — sent over email, social media, corporate communications apps, or other messaging platforms — typically are designed to trick a target into clicking a malicious link, opening a malicious attachment, or handing over sensitive information such as login credentials. Spear Phishing: Spear phishing attacks are phishing attacks that are targeted at a particular person or group and use information about their target to make the pretext of the phishing message more believable. For example, a spear phishing email to an employee in the finance department may claim to be an unpaid invoice from one of the company’s legitimate vendors or suppliers. Smishing: Smishing attacks are phishing attacks performed using SMS text messages. These attacks take advantage of the features of mobile devices, such as the common use of link shortening services (such as and the ability to mouse over a link to check its destination in SMS messages. Vishing: Vishing attacks use many of the same techniques as phishing but are performed over the phone. The attacker attempts to talk the target into performing some action or handing over sensitive data, such as payment card information or login credentials. Web Application Attacks

Web applications make up a significant portion of an organization’s public-facing digital attack surface. Some of the most common and high-impact vulnerabilities in web applications are the following:

SQL Injection(SQLI): SQL, which is used when interacting with a database, intermingles data and instructions, often separated by single (‘) or double (“) quotes. SQLI attackers provide deliberately malformed data that is used in an SQL query so that part of the attacker-provided data is interpreted as a command, enabling the attacker to control the action performed on the database. Remote Code Execution(RCE): RCE vulnerabilities are those that allow an attacker to execute code on the system hosting a vulnerable application. For example, an attacker may be able to exploit a buffer overflow vulnerability to run their malicious commands. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): HTML web pages allow scripts to be embedded alongside the data defining the contents and structure of the web page. XSS attacks exploit injection, access control, or other vulnerabilities to insert malicious scripts into a page. These scripts are then run every time a user visits the page, allowing the attacker to steal sensitive information (login credentials, payment card data, etc.) or run malicious code. Supply Chain Attacks

Supply chain attacks exploit an organization’s relationships with external parties. Some of the ways in which an attacker can take advantage of these trust relationships include:

Third-Party Access: Companies commonly allow their vendors, suppliers, and other external parties to have access to their IT environments and systems. If an attacker can gain access to a trusted partner’s network, they can exploit the partner’s legitimate access to a company’s systems. Trusted External Software: All companies use third-party software and allow it inside their networks. Like in the SolarWinds hack, if an attacker can insert malicious code into third-party software or an update to it, that malicious code may be trusted within the organization’s environment, providing access to sensitive data and critical systems. Third-Party Code: Nearly all applications incorporate third-party and open-source code and libraries. This external code may include exploitable vulnerabilities, such as Log4j , or malicious functionality inserted by an attacker. If an organization’s applications rely on vulnerable or malicious code, they may be vulnerable to attack or misuse. DoS Attacks

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are designed to disrupt the availability of a service. Common DoS threats include the following:

Distributed DoS (DDoS) Attacks: In a DDoS attack , multiple machines — typically infected computers or cloud-based resources — send many spam requests to a service. Since an application, the system that hosts it, and its network connections all have finite bandwidths, the attacker can exceed these thresholds and render the service unavailable to legitimate users. Ransom DoS (RDoS) Attacks: In an RDoS attack , the attacker demands a ransom to not perform a DDoS attack against an organization or to stop an ongoing DDoS attack. These attacks may be standalone campaigns or combined with a ransomware attack to provide the attacker with additional leverage to force the victim to pay the ransom. Vulnerability Exploitation: Applications may have logical errors, such as a buffer overflow vulnerability, that could cause them to crash if exploited. If an attacker exploits these vulnerabilities, they could perform a DoS attack against the vulnerable service. MitM Attacks

Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks are focused on intercepting communications. Some MitM threats include:

Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attack: In a MitM attack, the attacker intercepts traffic between its source and destination. If the traffic is not protected by encryption and digital signatures, this might allow the attacker to read and modify the intercepted traffic. Man-in-the-Browser (MitB) Attack: In a MitB attack, the attacker exploits vulnerabilities in a user’s browser to implant malicious code in the browser. This allows the attacker to read or modify data before it is viewed by the user or sent to the server. Types of Cybersecurity Solutions

Companies face a wide range of cybersecurity threats, and effectively managing cyber risk requires cybersecurity solutions that offer comprehensive protection. An effective cybersecurity program requires the following types of cybersecurity solutions:

Cloud Security: As companies move to the cloud, they are exposed to new security risks, and solutions designed for on-prem environments may not effectively manage cloud risk. Cloud security solutions like cloud access security brokers (CASB), serverless and container security solutions, and other cloud security solutions are specifically designed to address these cloud security threats. Network Security: Most cyberattacks come over the network, and identifying and preventing attacks from reaching an organization’s endpoints eliminates their impact on the organization. A next-generation firewall (NGFW) is the foundation of a network security strategy and can be used to block traffic from entering the enterprise network or from moving between zones in a segmented network. Application Security(AppSec): Most production applications contain at least one vulnerability, and some of these vulnerabilities are exploitable and pose significant risks to the organization. Integrating AppSec solutions into DevOps workflows can help to identify and remediate vulnerabilities before they reach production, and web application and API security solutions can block attempted exploitation of vulnerable applications. Internet of Things (IoT) Security: IoT devices can provide significant benefits to an organization by enabling centralized monitoring and management of Internet-connected devices, however, these devices commonly contain security flaws. IoT security solutions help to manage access to vulnerable devices and to protect these devices against exploitation. Endpoint Security: Protecting endpoints against malware and other threats has always been important, but the rise of remote work has made it more vital than ever. Protection against ransomware, malware, phishing, and other threats is essential to the security of the endpoint. Mobile Security: As the use of mobile devices for business becomes more common, cyber threat actors are increasingly targeting these devices with mobile-specific attacks. Mobile security solutions provide protection against both general and mobile-specific threats, such as phishing, malicious apps, and connectivity to potential malicious networks. Protecting Against Cybersecurity Threats with Check Point

Companies have increasingly complex IT infrastructures and are exposed to a variety of different threats. Protecting against the diverse cyber threat landscape requires 360-degree visibility, real-time threat intelligence, and a security infrastructure that can be mobilized in an effective, joined-up manner.

Learn about the growing threat of Gen V attacks and the leading threats that companies face in Check Point’s 2023 Cyber Security Report . You’re also welcome to take Check Point’s free Security Checkup to better understand the risks that your organization faces.

Check Point’s Enterprise License Agreement (ELA) can help your organization to streamline and integrate your security architecture. Find out more with a free ELA consultation .

Your Essential Top 6 Tasks | The University of Edinburgh

Your Essential Top 6 Tasks | The University of Edinburgh

Your Essential Top 6 Tasks

Each task is explained below with further information about how to complete each one.

These tasks are relevant for all new students.

Before you start your essential tasks, please ensure that you have access to MyEd.

Register for your University login to access MyEd

MyEd is the University of Edinburgh's web portal, and the best way to find and access many of the University’s online resources. It gives you easy access to the systems, tools, and information that you will use most often while you’re studying at the University and the area in which most of these tasks can be completed.

You need to register for your University Login before you can access MyEd and other University systems.

Step 1 - Access MyEd

Find the email you were sent which contains your University username (UUN) and a registration password for your account on the University’s MyEd portal.

Step 2 - Access the MyEd login page and select Set up your University Login" Step 3- update your temporary password

Follow the instructions in the email to update your temporary password and set up your University Login. Once you have completed the registration process, you will then be logged in to MyEd.

Don’t forget to keep a note of your new updated password (securely), as you will need this to login to MyEd, Learn, and all other systems.

Navigating MyEd

As a new student, your homepage gives you direct access to the content that you will use most often, including Learn, the University Library, and your email. You will also see notifications about important information or tasks you must complete. Look out for the Notifications icon in the top right corner of MyEd.

MyEd gives you access to much more than just the content on the homepage. Explore the other menus to find more support, information and guidance tailored to you.

Studies - everything you need to support your studies, including access to Learn, your virtual learning environment (VLE), and other study tools, timetables, library resources and study spaces.

Accounts - manage your personal details and password, check your card PIN, access your student record (sometimes called EUCLID), and pay for fees, accommodation, printing and catering. ​​​​​​

Student Life - news and events, getting around, support services, and information from Edinburgh University Students’ Association.

Careers - help from the Careers Service, and access to MyCareerHub.

Video on how to register and navigate MyEd

This video provides an introduction to what MyEd is and how to get started and navigate the University of Edinburgh's web portal:

Complete your matriculation

Matriculation means completing steps that officially enrol you as a student at the University. Every student needs to complete the steps. There are also additional tasks if you are coming from outside the UK, the EU, or the EEA.

Check updates from your School

As you approach your start date, your School/Deanery and the University will send emails initially to the email that you applied with as well as your new University email address. Make sure you read your emails so you don't miss out on key information from your School/Deanery and the University.

Pay your fees

You need to plan the payment of your tuition fees and tell us how you intend to pay. Apply for your University card

You are required to have an up-to-date University student card that you should carry with you at all times and you must apply for your University card in advance of starting.

Set up your University WiFi

Information you need to help you set up your devices on the University WiFi, plus other information on the IT requirements for starting University.

Register with a GP/doctor

We have provided information so you can research GP Practices and then register. We want to make sure that you look after yourself whilst studying, both physically and mentally, and that you know how to get medical assistance if you need it.

Tor Browser 6.0 is released | The Tor Project

Tor Browser 6.0 is released | The Tor Project

Tor Browser 6.0 is released

Please note that the comment area below has been archived.

Anonymous (not verified) said:


Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to first by Anonymous (not verified)

i am getting an error right

i am getting an error right now, never had this problem before. tor crashes right now, but worked a few hours ago.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: firefox.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 00000000
Fault Module Name: MSVCR120.dll
Fault Module Version: 12.0.21005.1
Fault Module Timestamp: 524f7ce6
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00013b0b
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 4d1c
Additional Information 2: 4d1ccb1f086e8f68af5ebd400b9240a6
Additional Information 3: a773
Additional Information 4: a7738b1c9bfdec77d1b26715e67e5bda

If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to i am getting an error right by Anonymous (not verified)

Oh, now TBB uses both

Oh, now TBB uses both msvcr100 & 120. GeKo, what you've done?

In reply to Oh, now TBB uses both by Anonymous (not verified)

Nothing. So, 5.5.5. is still

Nothing. So, 5.5.5. is still working flawless but 6.0 crashes? Could you test that?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

I have a similar problem. I

I have a similar problem. I installed the latest version, and it will not run. I see the Tor icon appear and disappear in the task master.

In reply to i am getting an error right by Anonymous (not verified)

I've opened

In reply to i am getting an error right by Anonymous (not verified)

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to i am getting an error right by Anonymous (not verified)

I've got the same issue..

I've got the same issue..

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to first by Anonymous (not verified)

After auto updating to

After auto updating to version 6.0, TPB terribly slow, get to open only one first site, and then after a time. Then everything usually hangs. I use an old WinXP. Updating the TPB is disabled, and still the browser hangs. Firewall Comodo Free.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to After auto updating to by Anonymous (not verified)

With POSReady updates?

With POSReady updates?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to first by Anonymous (not verified)

Tor 6.0 & the latest Beta

Tor 6.0 & the latest Beta (6.0a5) won't start. W10x64 Pro non-domain.
Have tried different folders, removed and re-ran but the browser just won't open. Disabling AVG makes no difference. Tried running as admin but didn't make any difference. Restarted system, removed FireFox and so on but still won't open. Some previous versions still work but could do with prominent links to previous versions as I don't like using a really old version.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Tor 6.0 & the latest Beta by Anonymous (not verified)

Please, remove all security

Please, remove all security crappy software first. And check that its "drivers" were removed too. Then install a new copy of TBB to c:\ and test.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Tor 6.0 & the latest Beta by Anonymous (not verified)

I have the same issue since

I have the same issue since version 6.0 came out. 6.1 is the same.

The older version 5.x ran fine. I even reinstalled 5.5 and it was fine until I let it update itself, then it wouldnt start

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Tor 6.0 & the latest Beta by Anonymous (not verified)

i had the same problem

i had the same problem remove trusteer rapport the banking software now no problems connecting

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to first by Anonymous (not verified)

Can you please provide a way

Can you please provide a way to disable xpinstall.signatures.required again? This is really sad. I need to use two add-ons I know very well and cannot update to Tor 6.0 because of this. I understand that you focus on security but if the users know what they are doing, you should allow them to decide. Thanks in advance.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Thank You! :)

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Oh, god. It's finally here.

Oh, god. It's finally here. Guys, arm yourselves of cool and patience and prepare for the incoming horde of complaints about upstream changes. (I myself don't know what am I going to do with the new search bar nonsense. )

Anyhow, thanks a lot, Tor Browser team! :)

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Oh, god. It's finally here. by Anonymous (not verified)

The addon Classic Theme

The addon Classic Theme Restorer has an option to revert to the old search bar (and to revert tons of other stuff to how they were before)

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to The addon Classic Theme by Anonymous (not verified)

Thanks. I know about CTR and

Thanks. I know about CTR and I use it on Ice Cat. However, I don't like to install extra addons on Tor Browser, especially so when we are talking about big addons, like CTR.

I think I might eventually try to extract just that feature from CTR and create a new tiny addon so that I can confidently put it in Tor Browser.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Thanks. I know about CTR and by Anonymous (not verified)

It could be better to

It could be better to completely remove all the junk Mozilla put in FF (pocket/hello/addon mandatory signing/new GUI/) from TBB.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to It could be better to by Anonymous (not verified)

. please, remove all that

. please, remove all that junk ( making my life happy again ! )

Anonymous (not verified) said:

"" [Disconnect] has no

"" [Disconnect] has no access to Google search results..""
for direct with google & more.. Leme suggest this:
captchas rarely appears :)

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to "" [Disconnect] has no by Anonymous (not verified)

Dear SysOp :) "too old

Dear SysOp :)
"too old title, but can't think of any thing else right now" :))

thanks for posting the link on my above comment,

Question, pls answer,,

case1, did u test/track the link and found its helpful to agree-to-post?
2-just posting that comment as-is without testing?

what difference that makes!?

in case 1: to me it means (like) if the comment is "credited" from TBB for my behalf, and that site might mean even-better than what i thought,,
waiting. bye,

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Thanks for this *awesome*

Thanks for this *awesome* job !

One thing: when restarting after upgrade, TorBrowser did not take care of the window size. ie: it started taking all my screen, and not the usual size.

Restarted TBB again, and everything seems fine.

Thanks again for this awesome number of fixes :o

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Thanks for this *awesome* by Anonymous (not verified)

*Important* I think this new


I think this new version (6.0) is dangerously giving away the user's screen resolution when JavaScript is enabled (the default behavior).

New behavior (you can easily test this on the console):

Old behavior (this is the "right behavior", where window size and screen resolution the same and standardized):

Juan Nada

In reply to *Important* I think this new by Anonymous (not verified)

Well, you can test what real

Well, you can test what real websites are seeing if they try to extract the above values by visiting And there I still see the rounded values with a fresh 6.0 on a Windows 7 box for example.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

You're right: real websites

You're right: real websites only can access the standardized Tor window size values. Only browser pages (like blank or about:tor) are showing the real resolution values.

That's one odd behavior compared to previous versions, but it is not giving away the revolution as I was supposing before. I checked with

As unrelated notes:

Linux users still can be detected, although the default TBB userAgent string is set to Windows. Link: Connections to .onion websites are still marked as "Not Secure", as any other HTTP page. Tor 6.0 is beautifully fast, stable and predictable.

Juan Nada

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to You're right: real websites by Anonymous (not verified)

We can prevent the leak.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

I have run tests with a

I have run tests with a fresh copy of Tor Browser 6 on Windows Vista. With JavaScript enabled returns exact window dimensions not rounded values. also returns exact values even when JavaScript is disabled.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to I have run tests with a by Anonymous (not verified)

I've released the core code

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to *Important* I think this new by Anonymous (not verified)

I had the same happen, it's

I had the same happen, it's not really an issue.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to I had the same happen, it's by Anonymous (not verified)

not an issue? You must be

not an issue? You must be kidding.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to *Important* I think this new by Anonymous (not verified)

It is handled differently

It is handled differently see: Bug 18958: Spoof screen.orientation values -

Firefox about:config Additional Privacy, Security and Anonymity Settings,

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Dowloading now, I hope

Dowloading now, I hope Youtube is fixed.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Dowloading now, I hope by Anonymous (not verified)

you can't watch youtube on

you can't watch youtube on Tor browser.

In reply to you can't watch youtube on by Anonymous (not verified)

Works fine for me on my

Works fine for me on my Linux box.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

With High Security Level the

With High Security Level the experience is awful: no controls & timeline in player, timeline doesn't work, no way to enable/disable html5 video in NoScript menu, but it starts to play without permission!

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Is this more bleeding edge

Is this more bleeding edge then 6.0a5?
I would think so right?

In reply to Is this more bleeding edge by Anonymous (not verified)

Yes, there is nothing more

Yes, there is nothing more bleeding edge than this one right now. :)

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Awesome! Updating via Tor

Awesome! Updating via Tor Browser's auto-updater as we speak.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

anyway, thanks for this

anyway, thanks for this update..

can't figure-out privacy under "Tor enabled" (green icon), in compliance with NoScript + click to play!!
so tired playing mouse & cat with that combination!

disabling something will disable most unwanted-to,
as will as when..
enabling something will enable other most unwanted-to!

How to enable ALL scripts in every site WHiLE that WiLL NEVER run a Video/Audio .period.

never play V/A without intending-to (eg. click to play).

Anonymous (not verified) said:

which should mean a better

which should mean a better support for HTML5 video on Youtube, as well as

You broke sound in youtube. Videos stop during playing (network problem), after pause video continues, but without sound. I need to reload the same video 10 times to get it played up to the end. This is just one of examples: However, I see this problem on most of videos. Previous stable TBB worked fine.

In reply to which should mean a better by Anonymous (not verified)

Works fine for me right now.

Works fine for me right now. What system are you using? And, well, there is nothing Tor Browser can do regarding the network problem(s) you encountered.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Linux amd64. I found one

Linux amd64. I found one hack to repair sound: if it stopped (video then contunies to play but without sound), just click on next timemoment (like plus few seconds in video), and then sound appears. Otherwise, video will be played after interruption, but without sound.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

A lot of "Network error" in

A lot of "Network error" in Browser Console are not so harmless: some of them interrupt the video or make it play from the beginning!

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to which should mean a better by Anonymous (not verified)

Hmm, with my settings it

Hmm, with my settings it works fine, but if TBB isn't fast enough to load the next video chunk, then the video starts from the beginning.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Oh hell yea! This must mean

Oh hell yea! This must mean that Subresource Integrity is now supported, since that came in Firefox 43. This means that webpage authors can hash any included CSS or JS and include the hash in the webpage. If the downloaded file has a different hash, the browser won't load it.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Oh hell yea! This must mean by Anonymous (not verified)

Potentially quite bad for

Potentially quite bad for fingerprinting/privacy in terms of linking website visits together..

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Potentially quite bad for by Anonymous (not verified)

I agree. I wonder if

I agree. I wonder if anyone has looked at this Firefox feature (not TBB feature) from a user privacy perspective. It also seems like the sort of thing that could potentially be used to block NoScript surrogate scripts depending on where it's implemented.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Great. Thanks.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Fantastic, but Avast

Fantastic, but Avast Antivirus cosiders Tor malware and is blocking it.

In reply to Fantastic, but Avast by Anonymous (not verified)

Sounds like another case

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Fantastic, but Avast by Anonymous (not verified)

use Linux Mint or other

use Linux Mint or other Linux destro

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Fantastic, but Avast by Anonymous (not verified)

AVG did the same and is

AVG did the same and is labeling tor browser 6.0 a Trojan horse. Completely deleted tor browser with all my bookmarks/settings.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Fantastic, but Avast by Anonymous (not verified)

I use Avast free 2016 and no

I use Avast free 2016 and no virus warning even though the settings I use will give more false positives. In the past Avast did sometimes considered Tor to be malware but that was not often.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Tangentially related to Tor

Tangentially related to Tor upgrades: If anyone from Agora is reading this, thousands of people are begging for your return. Even if you can't come back right now but still have plans, we beg of you to make a single Reddit post giving a timeline. Please.

And kudos to the Tor team as well for all their hard work, of course. :-)

Anonymous (not verified) said:

It was about 160MB before

It was about 160MB before updating and now 217MB. Is it normal? Updated using auto-updater.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to It was about 160MB before by Anonymous (not verified)

good question! :) but if

but if that -may- mean: it will leave your OS with lil' or no-more RAM, then leme suggest u this:

i still use it,
thou the RAM available in my OS after running TBB= 1.Gb

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to good question! :) but if by Anonymous (not verified)

Please don't suggest

Please don't suggest installing addons in Tor Browser without giving a security/privacy warning.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to It was about 160MB before by Anonymous (not verified)

gk, updater.exe leaves

gk, updater.exe leaves updater.mar (33 MiB) in folder, and no update history is shown (but it is in updates.xml). Looks like update process stalls at NS_main: unable to remove directory: tobedeleted, err: 41

In reply to gk, updater.exe leaves by Anonymous (not verified)

Hm. Did the updates work

Hm. Did the updates work before? Or is it the first time you are updating Tor Browser?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Again: history of updates in

Again: history of updates in Options isn't showed now, but it is in updates.xml file (since 5.0.7)

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Don't use Windows 10 if

Don't use Windows 10 if you're concerned about privacy use vpn instead. If you want to use Tor, boot your computer into a Tails live system.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Don't use Windows 10 if by Anonymous (not verified)

Thanks for the info, may you

Thanks for the info,
may you please pin-point (without much details)
what risk in using TBB +W10?!

Thought TBB will "isolate" us from ANY risk.. no matter WHAT OS is!

note, if anyone aware what this user is talking about, then pls enlighten us.
(( that if he didn't answer "for any of his own reasons" ))

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Thanks for the info, may you by Anonymous (not verified)

Because Windows 10 logs

Because Windows 10 logs everything you type on the keyboard, doesn't matter if you're using TBB or not:…

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Because Windows 10 logs by Anonymous (not verified)

Check this out: KeyScrambler

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Thanks for the info, may you by Anonymous (not verified)

it is closed source os. only

it is closed source os. only ms knows how much holes they insert to satisfy nsa friends. remember microsoft icons bug?
"Thought TBB will "isolate" us from ANY risk.. no matter WHAT OS is!" - where did you get such a strange ads?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to it is closed source os. only by Anonymous (not verified)

LoL,, "isolate"

"isolate" huh!
remember when waving 2 fingers in each hand?
to resemble the 2 above marks!

although, TBB -alomost- "isolate" us,
BUT still --truly-- it is (&will be) far better than closest comparative.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to LoL,, "isolate" by Anonymous (not verified)

lol guys talk bout windows

lol guys talk bout windows here

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Don't use Windows 10 if by Anonymous (not verified)

Sure, Tor Browser on Windows

Sure, Tor Browser on Windows 10 is rather pointless for most use cases of tor.

. How exactly is a VPN any better? You're still going to leak the same info. If you've got to use Windows 10 securely, I'd suggest using it behind a firewall that blocks access to most/all of Microsoft. Then you can use Tor Browser without fear (at least from Win10's tracking.)

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Since updating the browser

Since updating the browser won't even open. Have deleted and redownloaded. Same.

In reply to Since updating the browser by Anonymous (not verified)

Which operating system are

Which operating system are you using? Are there error messages you get? If so, which ones?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

I am using windows 10 and

I am using windows 10 and since updating TOR won't even start. Nothing at all seems to be happening. I am really disappointed and wish the update had not been done

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Since updating the browser by Anonymous (not verified)

Same here

In reply to Same here by Anonymous (not verified)

Which kind of firewall/anti

Which kind of firewall/anti virus software are you running? Could you uninstall it for testing whether it is interfering with Tor Browser (which is the likely cause of your problem)?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

I disabled ESET Smart

I disabled ESET Smart Security and disabled the firewall too but it has had no effect. TOR browser still does nothing at all

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Same here by Anonymous (not verified)

I am getting error, Tor

I am getting error, Tor Browser crashes on bootup. Di with update and fresh install of 6. Windows 7 here

In reply to I am getting error, Tor by Anonymous (not verified)

Which error are you getting?

Which error are you getting?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

6.0a5 doesn't auto-update to

6.0a5 doesn't auto-update to this, I assume this is by design, different channel?

Or will there be an update available to that browser soon? Either to 6.0 or other?

Thanks for this release.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to 6.0a5 doesn't auto-update to by Anonymous (not verified)

Heh, gk, it's worth

Heh, gk, it's worth mentioning that it's better to update alpha channel first (even with new stable when you do it without new alpha) to avoid stupid questions like this ,)

In reply to 6.0a5 doesn't auto-update to by Anonymous (not verified)

There will be a new alpha

There will be a new alpha release (and a new stable too) based on the next firefox ESR release (45.2) which is planned for the 7th of June.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

any idea WHY

any idea WHY the-ONLY-second/(&last) good-thing in InternetExplorer is the clear-shinny-contrast fonts than TBB?

Top image is TBB vs. 2nd=ie

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to any idea WHY by Anonymous (not verified)

And the hinting is quite a

And the hinting is quite a lot better in the top picture (uniform stem widths, smoother curves, symmetrical characters are symmetrical), not to mention the color fringes due to overexaggerated subpixel effect in the bottom picture. So I'm not seeing a problem here.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

When making audio/video

When making audio/video elements click-to-play (medium-low settings and higher), and loading such an element directly, the resource starts loading and after a short period gets blocked by noscript.

This is a regression from previous versions, no?

In reply to When making audio/video by Anonymous (not verified)

Maybe. My first guess would

Maybe. My first guess would be that you are hitting But then the "after a short period gets blocked by noscript" part makes me suspicious. Do you have steps to reproduce your issue? On which operating system does this happen?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Try any video here, for

Try any video here, for example: I just tested it on Linux/x86_64, but if noscript is the culprit, this could affect everyone, The changelog for v. says: "fixed placeholder activation in Gecko 45 and above". I'll take a look.

In reply to Try any video here, for by Anonymous (not verified)

Thanks, this is

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to When making audio/video by Anonymous (not verified)

No, this crap rarely appears

No, this crap rarely appears in the previous version too :(

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to No, this crap rarely appears by Anonymous (not verified)

that explains what

that explains what "sufferings" my limited-internet-package will face!

i don't mind if it's direct -unlimited- DSL connection,
search my above comment (Cat) & (mouse) game :)
this update seems "great"
thou, preferred previous TBB

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to No, this crap rarely appears by Anonymous (not verified)

I -almost- "solved" it.. say

I -almost- "solved" it.. say 90%

that if the problem Re: Video/Audio..

comment-back to write u the steps

Anonymous (not verified) said:

TBB6.0 has an error,

TBB6.0 has an error, TBB5.5.5 has not:

i can customize a lot -set/unset Preferences,about:config- in TBB6.0, but when i erase

the Customize menu, for drag and drop Tool/Feature-icons, is blank.
Please fix it.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Is there currently no way to

Is there currently no way to view my cookies?

Tor Button used to have a nice list where I could "protect" certain cookies and have them last across sessions, while others were ephemeral. Is that feature gone for good?

Also, recent previous versions of Tor Browser have no had a "show cookies" button in the standard place firefox does (unless I'm mistaken?) but this new version does have the button. Unfortunately, it shows a window with no cookies.

This is particularly misleading! Many Tor Browser users I've talked to assume that Tor Browser completely "disables cookies". Showing them an empty list of cookies reenforces this incorrect belief.

Thanks for all your hard work! Other than the cookie thing this seems like a great release.

In reply to Is there currently no way to by Anonymous (not verified)

This is still blocked by an

This is still blocked by an Mozilla upstream bug. We track that in

Anonymous (not verified) said:

I find it vexing that

I find it vexing that Mozilla hasn't fixed this for so darn long..

Anonymous (not verified) said: : your browser has a nearly-unique fingerprint :(

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

From the same site I get 1

From the same site I get 1 in 1000 +/- on a Win7 system, which is slightly worse than 5.5. I am back to 10+ bits from 7. something on 5.5. I do understand that this is not an absolute benchmark for anonymity neither do I know exactly what causes the measure to go up or down, or even if EFF has retained the same benchmark measures it used 1-2 months ago.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

You might

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to arma

why would anyone here enjoy

why would anyone here enjoy having to identify themselves with their email to post anythin, especially on a site that it refuses post even when a REAL email is used?

You go post this answer because your system wouldn't let me!

"When 5.5 and 5.5.5 came out I updated within hours or less and went to panopticlick and I was amazed at the improvement. I must have been one of the first few and it was down to 5xx something. With 6 it is more than double. I redownloaded 5.5.5 again and it is still the same rating I got back . a month or more ago. So your theory does not hold water. eff can't tell what browser you are using in specific just a version of FF and your OS.

One thing to watch for is your plugins, most will reveal identity information (identifiers) which group you with users with same FF plugins.

Based on the same use though why would 6 be inferior to 5.5.5?"

Anonymous (not verified) said:

The newtab icon is . extrem

The newtab icon is . extrem . persistent. You can't set a blank screen.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

why on earth is OCSP still

why on earth is OCSP still enabled? please see and strongly consider disabling it in the next release!

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to why on earth is OCSP still by Anonymous (not verified)

Tor Browser uses OCSP

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Tor Browser uses OCSP by Anonymous (not verified)

But doesn't it still contact

But doesn't it still contact OCSP servers in the (very common) case that the HTTPS server doesn't include an OCSP response in the TLS handshake?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

ctrl-shift-U (the shortcut

ctrl-shift-U (the shortcut key for new identity) is already used in GTK applications for unicode character entry:…

as such, the new identity keyboard shortcut only works when the cursor is not in a text input area.

In reply to ctrl-shift-U (the shortcut by Anonymous (not verified)

Thanks, this is

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Help. I cannot change the

Help. I cannot change the Preferences settings and can't get move between any of the options. I'm using a Mac 10.8.5.

In reply to Help. I cannot change the by Anonymous (not verified)

What are you trying to do?

What are you trying to do? Can you give steps to reproduce your problem?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

just upgraded to v6 this

just upgraded to v6 this morning and nothing happens when i run the shortcut. have been using tor browser for the last 7 or so versions with no issues. my system is windows 7 64 bit. have tried running as Administrator, disabling firewall, and antivirus with no joy. please help

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to just upgraded to v6 this by Anonymous (not verified)

uninstall tor

uninstall tor completely
then install tor version 6
and will work like charm

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to uninstall tor by Anonymous (not verified)

tyvm for the reply. as far

tyvm for the reply. as far as i can tell the installation is self contained in the one directory and not in the registry? there was no uninstall that i could find. Tor Browser isnt listed in Programs. I did delete the upgraded Tor Browser directory and ran the install again..still no joy. apologies if im missing something obvious

Anonymous (not verified) said:

ok i just installed v6 to

ok i just installed v6 to new directory after upgraded directory would not load Tor Browser. the new directory install also will not load. no processes for firefox or tor shows up in my windows 7 64 bit system.

In reply to ok i just installed v6 to by Anonymous (not verified)

Do you get any error

Do you get any error messages? Have you tried removing your antivirus and firewall software for testing purposes? It happens that merely disabling them is not enough.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

no error messages anywhere.

no error messages anywhere. i have not tried uninstalling antivirus and firewall yet. just a bit peeved to have to do this as multiple previous versions have worked fine without this step. not complaining just maybe a little lazy

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Will you make 64-bit Windows

Will you make 64-bit Windows build?

In reply to Will you make 64-bit Windows by Anonymous (not verified)

Not with the ESR45 based

Not with the ESR45 based series. We plan to do that for the next ESR (i.e 52), though.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

What are system requeriments

What are system requeriments ? For example: how much space will it take on my win 7?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

thank you very much

thank you very much

Anonymous (not verified) said:

I can't find the torrc file

I can't find the torrc file anywhere
i'm using os x 10.11.5
in 5.5.5 version it was with torrc-default file
but now i cant find it?

Anonymous (not verified) said:


Anonymous (not verified) said:

Thanks a lot for the hard

Thanks a lot for the hard work!

How about officially integrating the DuckDuckGo onion search into TOR Browser (at least as an option)? Like it is done here:

In reply to Thanks a lot for the hard by Anonymous (not verified)

That's already done.

That's already done.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Thanks a lot for the hard by Anonymous (not verified)

This was

This was and is already implemented in Tor Browser 6.0.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

I store Tor Browser inside a

I store Tor Browser inside a Veracrypt volume, but It will not upgrade after updating it, I have to cut and paste outside the volume, and only then, will upgrade to new version. What could be? Happens the same with plugins, they won't update, only out of the volume.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

hey tor browser wont start

hey tor browser wont start on debian jessie or 8 basicly. it will just say connecting to the Tor network and grabbing certificate authorities and stuff but it stays stuck 1/4 of the way there. icant get the network to load no matter what i do let alone the browser to pop up.

In reply to hey tor browser wont start by Anonymous (not verified)

What output do you get when

What output do you get when you start it on the terminal like so: ./start-tor-browser.desktop --debug inside your tor-browser_$LOCALE directory? Do older Tor Browser versions work?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Meek pluggable transport not

Meek pluggable transport not working on OS X. meek-client-torbrowser proxy is not launching.

Probably due to new directory structure, noted /Applications/

actual proxy located in:

Maybe the link to the transport has not been updated for the new setup or in torrc.

Other proxies work.

In 5.5, meek was only located in /Applications/ and worked.

This error occurs on a fresh install of 6.0.

DisableNetwork is set. Tor will not make or accept non-control network connections. Shutting down all existing connections.

Opening Socks listener on

The communication stream of managed proxy 'PluggableTransports/meek-client-torbrowser' is 'closed'. Most probably the managed proxy stopped running.

We were supposed to connect to bridge '' using pluggable transport 'meek', but we can't find a pluggable transport proxy supporting 'meek'. This can happen if you haven't provided a ClientTransportPlugin line, or if your pluggable transport proxy stopped running.

In reply to Meek pluggable transport not by Anonymous (not verified)

Works fine for me with a

Works fine for me with a fresh install and choosing meek-azure (this is on an old 10.6 testing Mac) . I wonder what is wrong on your side, hrm.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Maybe would be better to

Maybe would be better to test on 10.11 before just saying everything is fine?

In reply to Maybe would be better to by Anonymous (not verified)

I did not say everything is

I did not say everything is fine. I just said this is working on my OS X machine. How do you know from the original post that this is an issue on 10.11?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

10.11 is the latest, and

10.11 is the latest, and only version of OS X Apple issues full security updates for, so you'd think TorProject would want to test on it.

In reply to 10.11 is the latest, and by Anonymous (not verified)

I just used a Mac OS 10.11.5

I just used a Mac OS 10.11.5 system to try to reproduce this problem. I could not. I tried both en-US and es-ES packages.

In Tor Browser 6.0, the template-profile.meek-http-helper directory contents should be copied to TorBrowser-Data/Tor/PluggableTransports/profile.meek-http-helper by the meek client when it starts up. If the original commenter is still having problems, they should open a trac ticket so we can discuss this problem and investigate further.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to mcs

Will try to when I have

Will try to when I have time. Does anyone know how to enable logging on the meek proxy?

In reply to Will try to when I have by Anonymous (not verified)

In torrc, change the

In torrc, change the ClientTransportPlugin line to:

ClientTransportPlugin meek exec PluggableTransports/meek-client-torbrowser --log meek-client-torbrowser.txt -- PluggableTransports/meek-client --log meek-client.txt

This will give you two log files, meek-client-torbrowser.txt and meek-client.txt. meek-client-torbrowser is the program that starts up a headless copy of Firefox for TLS camouflage. meek-client actually implements the transport.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to dcf

Note to all OSX users

Note to all OSX users encountering similar error: make sure before upgrade/clean install for 6.0+ that user installing has sudo privileges. TorBrowser needs write access to /Applications/TorBrowser-Data/ which will fail unless the user is an administrator. sudo privileges can be removed after installation and first run without problems.

In reply to Note to all OSX users by Anonymous (not verified)

Thanks. This is

Anonymous (not verified) said:

thanks! i guess it's normal

i guess it's normal that says my user-agent is bad or should i reinstall it?

In reply to thanks! i guess it's normal by Anonymous (not verified)

They probably need to update

They probably need to update their test to reflect our switch to ESR45.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Under ‘main’ ‘env’

Under ‘main’ ‘env’ ‘test 1’ ‘test 2’ and ‘ssi’ gives the same user agent information that rates as bad (red).

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Maybe we should think

Maybe we should think carefully when consulting

Since with TOR 6.0, when checking on, I was getting an orange and a red rating for Signature and User-Agent respectively I decided to reinstall TOR 5.5.5 and check the results again.

The Signature ‘Orange’ rating for TOR 6.0 becomes a ‘Green’ rating for TOR 5.5.5 showing EXACTLY the SAME ‘Value’.

In the case of User Agent the only difference between the Green rating for TOR 5.5.5 and a Red rating for TOR 6.0 is that for TOR 5.5.5 38.0 appears under Value and for TOR 6.0 that changes to 45.0.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

This forced ass raping of

This forced ass raping of updates for 6.0 is bullshit.

Please make preventing auto updates an enjoyable, and possible, experience.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to This forced ass raping of by Anonymous (not verified)

Yes, the updates still

Yes, the updates still download when the respectively located update files have been removed and when about:config and the file crying about not being edited that directs you there have been altered to prevent them from doing so.

More trust in users would be nice :)

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to This forced ass raping of by Anonymous (not verified)


about:config = false

With that said, is there any reason why you don't want updates? You're leaving yourself open to known security vulnerabilities.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to about:config by Anonymous (not verified)

as for me its against my

as for me its against my personal security rule #6:
never allow anyone to touch your property

Anonymous (not verified) said:

This isn't a Tor bug, but a

This isn't a Tor bug, but a Youtube one.

I was using 5.5.5 to surf Youtube without issue (each time using a fresh Tor extraction), then a few days ago HTML5 started to crash reliably after watching a few videos (does the same with v6.0).

Getting a "new identity" didn't fix the issue. You have to shut it down, kill Firefox in task manager, and restart in order to view HTML5 videos again (non-video websites still work).

Obviously Youtube made a change that is crashing Tor (since I used a fresh Tor extraction each time for weeks without issue).

For security reasons it's probably a good idea to restart as much as possible when getting a new identity, especially HTML5, so settings/cache/bugs/and other data aren't retained, and this would provide a fix to not only this issue, but countless others.

In reply to This isn't a Tor bug, but a by Anonymous (not verified)

Which operating system is

Which operating system is this happening on? And what does "reliably" mean? Do you have some particular steps I could try?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

This update is pretty

This update is pretty big!

Where is the hardened version for Windows?

In reply to This update is pretty by Anonymous (not verified)

Yes, it is big as the new

Yes, it is big as the new Firefox got a lot bigger (again). There is no hardened version for Windows. And it is none planned at the moment.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

So is it normal that it is

So is it normal that it is about 200MB? It was about 160 before this update.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to This update is pretty by Anonymous (not verified)

The "hardened" version

The "hardened" version specifically includes Address Sanitizer(ASan) which has a significant impact on performance in both memory usage and speed, which is why hardened is permanently stuck in alpha.
As for why it isn't available on Windows: Last I checked, ASan didn't fully support Windows.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

>Accept-Encoding: gzip,

>Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Whatever makes you happy.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to >Accept-Encoding: gzip, by Anonymous (not verified)

Is brotli secured and

Is brotli secured and bug-free?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

will audio fingerprinting be

will audio fingerprinting be fixed ?

In reply to will audio fingerprinting be by Anonymous (not verified)

You can follow the event

You can follow the event (and contribute to it):

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Thank you for CTRL+SHIFT+L

Now maybe getting a new circuit to bypass Cloudflare & co will be less annoying.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Automatic update from 5.5.5

Automatic update from 5.5.5 doesn't work. It says that there was an error (doesn't say which) and says to download from the website.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Tor browser now fullscreens

Tor browser now fullscreens itself rather than keeping to a standard size for greater anonymity.

I imagine this isn't seen in most common setups (unless it's a deliberate change). But I'm using a tiling WM (XMonad), and the behaviour I have always seen before is TB keeping itself to those fixed proportions to the left of the screen. If you start moving "tiles" about, it ends up losing track and fullscreening itself, but not if left alone. Now with 6.0, it is always fullscreen, though it does briefly display the initial tab at the smaller size on first opening, just for a split second before expanding to fill the whole screen..

In reply to Tor browser now fullscreens by Anonymous (not verified)

We did not change anything

We did not change anything regarding that particular code. I guess there are some underlying changes Mozilla did that are causing this. Could you open a ticket on so that we can investigate this? Thanks!

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Done, #19263

Anonymous (not verified) said:

When I updated and restarted

When I updated and restarted Tor, AVG Free Edition blocked and quarantined Trojan horse inject3.ASKH coming from Tor Browser. Anyone else have this situation?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to When I updated and restarted by Anonymous (not verified)

Yep. Says the tojan is in

Yep. Says the tojan is in ..\TorBrowser\Browser\updated\AccessibleMarshal.dll

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to When I updated and restarted by Anonymous (not verified)

Yes, I've the same problem.

Yes, I've the same problem. AVG shows that the Trojaner is in AccessibleMarshal.dll

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Duckduckgo is owned by

Duckduckgo is owned by Gabriel Weinberg who earlier ran the site The Names Database, a community portal created for the purpose of data mining.

The Names Database was exceptionally underhanded in that it did not mine only its users, but offered them community perks if they exposed personal information of friends and relatives who could then be profiled with no say of their own.

If anyone thinks his stripes have faded you only have to look at his profile here, where he lists himself as a current a board member of Locality, which is a company that by its own words specializes in user data mining.

I doubt I need to explain why the integrating the platform of a current data miner, with a history of unethical practice, in a suite intended for user privacy is a really bad idea. Your data simply is not safe in the hands of this person.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to Duckduckgo is owned by by Anonymous (not verified)

at least some competition to

at least some competition to google's mining!

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to at least some competition to by Anonymous (not verified)

That would be an argument if

That would be an argument if there weren't other alternatives, like Startpage.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to That would be an argument if by Anonymous (not verified)

don't create new monster to

don't create new monster to fight it later. do they have onion address at least?
i use it sometimes when http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/ is unreachable

Anonymous (not verified) said:

How can I set a ExitNodes

How can I set a ExitNodes country code in the Mac OS X version of Tor 6.0? The torrc file apparently is no longer in the app bundle so where does Tor 6.0 look for torrc assuming torrc is still supported on a Mac? Or is there some other way of doing this now?

In reply to How can I set a ExitNodes by Anonymous (not verified) has the layout changes. Do you find the torrc file with that help? If not, where did you install Tor Browser on your OS X system?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to How can I set a ExitNodes by Anonymous (not verified)


Anonymous (not verified) said:

cannot set the

cannot set the "extensions.brief.homeFolder" for Brief addon
even if I set it manually from the "about:config", cannot set the integer more than "5"

It was worked normal on ver 5.5

Anonymous (not verified) said:

when downloading this

when downloading this version of tor it started out as having 7min left to finish dwnloading and than started climbing up to 15 mins left why would it do this? I have fast internet service

Anonymous (not verified) said:

I used to be able to use a

I used to be able to use a version of Tor on a flash drive and carry it across computers (IE: copying it to my work computer) and all my preferences (No script whitelist, addons, etc) would remain. Now, it behaves like a clean install every single time. It's VERY annoying/time consuming.

In reply to I used to be able to use a by Anonymous (not verified)

Hard to tell what is going

Hard to tell what is going wrong. Could you open a ticket in our bug tracker ( giving us some details on what worked and what is broken now so that we can investigate further? Thanks!

Anonymous (not verified) said:

If this is OS X, this is no

If this is OS X, this is no doubt because of the hasty decision to move profile files to Application Support folder vs having them in the Application itself simply to satisfy Gatekeeper which is easy for an attacker to bypass anyway.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to If this is OS X, this is no by Anonymous (not verified)

Just an FYI: It only puts it

Just an FYI: It only puts it in the application support folder if you put Tor in the Application folder. If you put Tor anywhere else (IE: a flash drive or the Desktop - which I do for a portable Tor browser and at work), it creates the data file in that directory - which makes it easy to find later for deleting purposes.

I wouldn't mind this change if they provided an easy way for me to point to the location of the profile information as I copy/paste across computers. But, as far as I could find, that doesn't exist right now.

A messy work-around:
1) Open the DMG and put in the file you want it (I used my flash drive for this)
2) Open it so that it creates the TorBrowser-Data file
3) Set up Tor as desired
4) On new device, open DMG and put Tor.App in file you want
5) Open it so that it creates the TorBrowser-Data file
6) Quit Tor
7) Copy files from TorBrowser-Data file old device to same folder on the new device.
8) Open Tor (and your settings should all be there).

This is a messy fix (for some reason, some of my NoScript settings went a little wonky), but not as time consuming as how I had to do it before.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

I'd love to do that, but it

I'd love to do that, but it keeps rejecting my registration as spam no matter what browser I use.

So here are additional details:
All computers running OSX 10.9.5

Under 5.5.5 and earlier, I could save to whatever folder I like, set up all my preferences/addons (IE: ghostery, adblock plus, disconnect for social media, bookmarks, etc) load addon specific details (IE my noscript whitelist) and then exit out of Tor, copy the to a flash drive and then either use Tor from the flash drive, or copy it to other computers as needed with all preferences/settings in tact.

Now, even if I copy the Tor-Data folder along with the to a flash drive, Tor always behaves as a 'clean version', so I have to reload all these preferences for every individual computer.

I figured that was because the data was unpackaged from the rest of Tor (as mentioned in the bug fixes), but then I didn't see a place where I could easily change the setting in Tor to point to the location of the "Tor-Data" file.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to I'd love to do that, but it by Anonymous (not verified)

It would be nice to know all

It would be nice to know all file locations for version 6.0 vs 5.5.5 in OS X. If you uninstall version 5.5.5 by removing the .app file is there anything else to remove before installing 6.0 to achieve a clean install?

In reply to It would be nice to know all by Anonymous (not verified)

For 5.5.5, removing the .app

For 5.5.5, removing the .app folder should be enough.
For 6.0, you also need to remove the TorBrowser-Data folder which will either be next to the .app or, if you place the .app bundle in /Applications, it will be at ~/Library/Application Support/TorBrower-Data.

In reply to I'd love to do that, but it by Anonymous (not verified)

With Tor Browser 6.x on Mac

With Tor Browser 6.x on Mac OS, if you move or copy the TorBrowser-Data folder and make sure it is next to, the browser profile, Tor data, and other settings should be used. It works for me. The data folder name is important, you should not rename it.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to mcs

This doesn't work across

This doesn't work across file systems.
My work computer profile is "TorWork", then the file structure is Torwork/.

My Home computers are Mini/.

My flash drive is Flash/.

The only way to get Tor to copy/paste somewhat cleanly across systems is how I described above. Just copy pasting and Tor-Data wasn't good enough. is somehow linked to how it creates Tor-Data.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

Terrible. I clicked to

Terrible. I clicked to update, it got to the connecting to the Tor network and it did nothing for 3 hours. I exited and now cannot access the browser at all. I then downloaded the new version and when I click to install it freezes Windows Explorer. I have to manually restart that process. The browser is unusable now when it was perfect. Now it sucks and reminds me of IE.
I am running Windows 8.1 No error messages nothing. Just does nothing.

If anyone has any ideas? I am open to suggestion.

In reply to Terrible. I clicked to by Anonymous (not verified)

Do you have any

Do you have any antivirus/firewall software running on your system? The symptoms you mentioned fit well to such a software trying to protect you and while doing so is interfering with Tor Browser. If so, could you uninstall it for testing purposes (disabling is often not enough).

Anonymous (not verified) said:

since update it will not open

since update it will not open

Anonymous (not verified) said:

I've searched some and don't

I've searched some and don't see where the 'maximize' issue was resolved. Can someone say whether maximizing is a fingerprinting risk now or not?

Also does using fullscreen mode (F11) represent a risk?

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to I've searched some and don't by Anonymous (not verified)

>I've searched some and

>I've searched some and don't see where the 'maximize' issue was resolved.

It cannot be resolved easily. My guess is that it would require the rendering engine itself to be thoroughly changed, something Tor Browser devs are not very likely to do. If you want a more precise answer, be yourself more precise about what you mean with "maximize issue".

>Can someone say whether maximizing is a fingerprinting risk now or not?

It has always been and it continues to be.

>Also does using fullscreen mode (F11) represent a risk?

Read: . In particular the section "7. Monitor, Widget, and OS Desktop Resolution" under "Specific Fingerprinting Defenses in the Tor Browser".

Anonymous (not verified) said:


channe-prefs.js: pref("", "alpha"),

I set it to alpha from stable a few months ago because I want to use latest version as possible.
So should I switch back to "release" to receive this update?

I'm expecting alpha gets alpha and release(latest as possible) version, if not please consider it.

In reply to channe-prefs.js: by Anonymous (not verified)

If you can wait a couple of

If you can wait a couple of days, next week will be a new alpha available.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

This is giving me quite a

This is giving me quite a headache. how do I update TOR within TAILS os? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to This is giving me quite a by Anonymous (not verified)

you upgraade tails

you upgraade tails

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to This is giving me quite a by Anonymous (not verified)

tor will be updated when you

tor will be updated when you update tails

Anonymous (not verified) said:

In reply to This is giving me quite a by Anonymous (not verified)

Thor (2020) #6 | Comic Issues | Marvel

Thor (2020) #6 | Comic Issues | Marvel

Thor (2020) #6

THE DEATH OF KING THOR! The Black Winter has the power to reveal the means of any person’s demise — and if the vision is true, Asgard is going to need a new Odinson to take the throne! But Thor is no mere herald or king — and even the death of all existence should fear his coming wrath.

THE DEATH OF KING THOR! The Black Winter has the power to reveal the means of any person’s demise — and if the vision is true, Asgard is going to need a new Odinson to take the throne! But Thor is no mere herald or king — and even the death of all existence should fear his coming wrath.

Черная вдова. В аду развод не принят, Марина Крамер – скачать книгу fb2, epub, pdf на ЛитРес

Черная вдова. В аду развод не принят, Марина Крамер – скачать книгу fb2, epub, pdf на ЛитРес

Черная вдова. В аду развод не принят

Все проходит – и боль, и обида, и ощущение безысходности. Глава криминальной группировки Марина Коваль по кличке Наковальня рассталась с любимым мужем Егором Малышевым. Однако ей некогда жалеть себя. Первым и главным делом стал суд над, жестоко избившими Марину на допросе сотрудниками милиции. И хотя правда на стороне жертвы, трудно сказать, кто же все-таки победит. В городе появляется вор в законе Гриша Бес. Он метит на трон «смотрящего», а заодно на сердце прекрасной Коваль. Та в ужасе от подобной перспективы. Но разве пристало Наковальне уходить от опасности? И Марина принимает вызов…

Жанры и теги Редактировать Отзывы 4 Смотреть все отзывы Сначала популярные

12 марта 2015

Очень люблю Марину Крамер! Ее книги превосходны!и эта книга не стала исключением! Мне очень нравится серия «черна вдова Марина Коваль»! Автор прекрасно сочетает в своих произведениях криминал и любовь! В произведениях Марины всегда сильные женщины, которых не сломают даже самые тяжелые жизненные ситуации!Сюжет очень динамичен и интересно читать до самого конца произведения!советую!

11 августа 2022

Я в полном восторге от от Марины Крамер. Как легко она пишет, как проникаеш и вживаешся в тот или иной персонаж. Я прожила каждую страницу, просто супер. Рекомендую всем.

27 мая 2021

книги действительно крутые,я эту серию читаю уже третий раз.но очень жаль что не стола Егора малыша.я бы очень хотела что бы он был жив,но увы автор убил его

20 сентября 2013 Книга замечательная

Замечательная книга из замечательной серии книг. Кто-то скажет что это очередное глупое мыло. Возможно.. Но захватывает так, что уже вторую неделю все качаю и качаю книги)) Да, наивно и неправдоподобно.. Но ведь на то она и худ.литература, чтобы нарисовать в нашей голове вторую реальность..сравнить себя с Мариной Коваль, дать волю фантазии и погрузиться, в такой отличающийся от нашего, мир криминала и любви.

Для вечернего одинокого вечера лучше ничего и не придумаешь.

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Они словно обречены друг на друга, не могут вместе – но врозь тем более не могут.

Что в поиске прошла невыносимом… Мне быть с тобою рядом невозможно… Я слишком чужд и странен в этом мире… Я звездным светом истеку в эфире, Чтобы твоей щеки коснуться осторожно… 1 Он сел и посмотрел

верх волосах? Но это изменило и выражение глаз, и, кажется, даже мягко очерченные губы, подкрашенные красной помадой, не кривились больше в нервной ухмылке, а чуть улыбались. «Н-да

эффективно. Вывезли их на берег реки и, загнав в воду по пояс, с берега

ошеломив Марину: – Из всех возможных мест во всех мирах Я выбрал этот, чтобы быть поближе К тебе, пусть даже я тебя не вижу, Пусть лишь запутался в блестящих волосах… Из всех вселенных, промелькнувших мимо, Я не запомнил ни одной минуты, Я позабыл про вечность почему-то,

Описание книги

Все проходит – и боль, и обида, и ощущение безысходности. Глава криминальной группировки Марина Коваль по кличке Наковальня рассталась с любимым мужем Егором Малышевым. Однако ей некогда жалеть себя. Первым и главным делом стал суд над, жестоко избившими Марину на допросе сотрудниками милиции. И хотя правда на стороне жертвы, трудно сказать, кто же все-таки победит. В городе появляется вор в законе Гриша Бес. Он метит на трон «смотрящего», а заодно на сердце прекрасной Коваль. Та в ужасе от подобной перспективы. Но разве пристало Наковальне уходить от опасности? И Марина принимает вызов…

Смотреть оглавление Читать онлайн

Книга Марины Крамер «Черная вдова. В аду развод не принят» — скачать в fb2, txt, epub, pdf или читать онлайн. Оставляйте комментарии и отзывы, голосуйте за понравившиеся.

Черная вдова фильм 4 - 3d stl модель для ЧПУ

Черная вдова фильм 4 - 3d stl модель для ЧПУ

Черная вдова фильм 4

Внимание, мы отправим вам стл файл в течение 5 дней после оплаты.

В нашем интернет-магазине представлены 3D модели для ЧПУ станков – Фильмы и сериалы.

3D модель 3DMVI_44271 Фильмы и сериалы вы можете купить в формате stl и 3DSMAX по вашему выбору.

Размеры и пропорции мы можем изменить согласно Вашим требованиям за небольшую плату. Для этого Вам необходимо написать письмо, указать в нем название 3d модели, составить техническое задание (можно в свободной форме) и отправить его на, либо написать нам в Viber или Whatsapp на номер +79030921199.

1) 3d модель можно использовать только для изготовления изделий на станках с ЧПУ,

2) 3d модель нельзя перепродавать, обменивать или передавать третьим лицам.

Внимание: Каждой модели присваивается скрытый ЗАЩИТНЫЙ индивидуальный идентификатор покупателя.

БАМ-ОС CR 18х51 Черная вдова, (в коробке 4 шт. ) Баллончик аэрозольный смесевой

БАМ-ОС CR 18х51 Черная вдова, (в коробке 4 шт. ) Баллончик аэрозольный смесевой

БАМ-ОС+CR 18х51 Черная вдова", (в коробке 4 шт.) Баллончик аэрозольный смесевой

Срок годности: 18 месяцев
Источник энергии: капсюль ударного типа
Состав: олеорезин капсикум (ОС) 1% + дибензоксазепин (CR) 1% + усилитель жгучести ДМСО
Применение: аэрозольные устройства «Удар», «Чародей»
Объем метаемого ирританта: 2 мл
Рекомендуемая дальность применения: 1 – 3 метра
Макс. дальность применения: до 5 метров
Раб. температуры: от -15°C до +40°C
Габариты: 13x60 мм
Вес: 17 г (одного баллончика)
Количество: 4 штуки в упаковке
ВНИМАНИЕ! Стоимость указана за 1 шт. Реализуется упаковками по 4 шт

Баллончик аэрозольный малогабаритный «Черная вдова» является одним из самых мощных средств среди гражданских, разрешенных к использованию на территории Российской Федерации.

Оставить отзыв У данного товара нет отзывов. Станьте первым, кто оставил отзыв об этом товаре! Задать вопрос

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Женоубийца (Fallout 4) | Убежище | Fandom

Женоубийца (Fallout 4) | Убежище | Fandom

Женоубийца (Fallout 4) Способность
Чёрная вдова Fallout 4 Требования Харизма 2,
Уровень 1 / 7 / 16 Ранги Женоубийца или Чёрная вдова (англ. Lady Killer или Black Widow ) — способность в Fallout 4. Описание [ ]

Способность, позволяющая эффективнее взаимодействовать с противоположным полом. В отличие от прошлых игр серии, способность не даёт каких-либо уникальных опций в диалоге.

Ранг Требования Описание ID 1 ХАР 2 Вы очаровательны… и опасны. Лица противоположного пола* легче поддаются вашему убеждению** и получают на 5 % больший урон в бою. 00019aa3 (м)
0004a0d4 (ж) 2 ХАР 2,
Уровень 7 Вероятность успешного разговора** с лицами противоположного пола* ещё выше, а наносимый им урон увеличивается на 10 %. Женщин/мужчин легче усмирить с помощью способности Запугивание. 00065e33 (м)
00065e31 (ж) 3 ХАР 2,
Уровень 16 Вероятность успешного разговора** с лицами противоположного пола* намного выше, а наносимый им урон увеличивается на 15 %. Женщин/мужчин ещё легче усмирить с помощью способности Запугивание. 00065e34 (м)
00065e32 (ж)

* В игре вместо термина «Лица противоположного пола» написано соответственно «женщины» или «мужчины» в соответствующем падеже.

** Каждый ранг способности увеличивает вероятность убеждения на 10%
