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Не умеете ладить с клыкастыми и зубастыми гигантами, тогда придется смотреть Годзилла все части и учиться любить животных. И что с того, что монстр пришел громить ваши дома? Нечего было вторгаться в его уютный мир со своими экспериментами. Люди сами породили это чудище, которое с удовольствием вернет человечество в период палеолита. Годзилла все части смотреть онлайн полюбили многие. Сначала этот громила был страшнейшим врагом всех обитателей планеты, а затем даже стал их защитником. Как бы ужасно он не выглядел, но он живой и заслуживает простого человеческого сострадания.

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Разрушение высоченных небоскребов, взлеты и падения автомобилей, сношение древних памятников, систематические крушения вертолетов и последующая паника жителей города — берегитесь, опасное существо по имени Годзилла ворвалось в Нью-Йорк. Кто поможет, кто спасет — надежда только.

В маленьком приморском городке произошла авария на местной атомной станции из-за загадочного сейсмического толчка. Главный инженер пятнадцать лет спустя пытается выяснить причины катастрофы. Прибыв с сыном на место аварии, они становятся свидетелями нового сейсмического толчка.

На человечество постоянно совершаются то инопланетные нападения, то атака от мутирующих в чудовищ подопытных животных. Годзилла, король монстров, два раза нападал на Землю, и он не собирается останавливаться на достигнутом. Годзилла, никто из людей не знает, что вы выбрались из.

Двое могучих противников сойдутся в поединке, от которого разрушаются города. От исхода противостояния зависит будущее. Нэйтан, существование титанов ставит под угрозу человечество. Но бывают опасности, по сравнению с которыми гигантская горилла – лишь игрушки. Вы думаете, что.

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Японские фильмы


Страна восходящего солнца всегда славилась передовыми технологиями. Но даже самым лучшим их ученым не дано совладать с необузданной мощью дикой природы. Что бы они не изобретали, против гигантского монстра люди бессильны. Шанс появляется совершенно неожиданно. От исхода битвы.


Не успела Япония отойти от предыдущих бедствий, как ее жителям снова грозит опасность. Правительство больше не в силах что-либо предпринять. Все методики перепробованы. И лишь одна отважная журналистка готова покопаться в легендах и разузнать подробности о невероятном способе.


Нельзя с точностью предугадать, что сильнее – дикая необузданная мощь природы или продукты, созданные посредством применения новых технологий. Но очень скоро японцам предстоит это проверить. Ведь подземные толчки снова пробудили монстра, от которого с таким трудом удалось.


Прошло не одно десятилетие с тех пор, как на Земле появился загадочный монстр Годзилла, который разрушал все подряд и не знал пощады. Люди постоянно придумывали новые тактики вооружения и нападения, совершенствовали оружие. Теперь они готовы дать отпор. Фудзи, вы давно уже стали.


Сносить огромные высотки, выкидывать машины через 3 квартала, разрушать огромные строения, швырять крупную военную технику, модифицироваться при попадании человеческого оружия и творить еще большее зло — закрывать двери и окна попросту бесполезно! Просто готовьтесь, задержав.

Do we really need a J. J. Abrams Star Trek 4 movie?

Do we really need a J. J. Abrams Star Trek 4 movie?

Just let Star Trek 4 die, already It's time to pull the plug on the long-delayed fourth film in the now unnecessary Kelvin timeline. Besides, as Picard reminds us, Trek is simply better on TV Published February 24, 2023 We may earn a commission from links on this page.

Let’s be clear what we’re talking about here. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home is an untouchable masterpiece and the best of the Treks, blending character-based comedy and Shatner-Nimoy hamminess with big ideas, in a screenplay that rather brilliantly features no major villains or firefights, sustaining suspense solely with a ticking-clock element. Nobody wants to mess with that one. It’s Star Trek 4, the proposed sequel to 2016’s Star Trek Beyond , that needs to go.

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Look, a lot of people would have loved to see a Quentin Tarantino-scripted Star Trek movie set entirely on a gangster planet. It could be fun, but it sounds like fan fiction rather than mainline Star Trek. As far as enticing Chris Hemsworth to return as a freed-from-transporter-suspended-animation George Kirk to team with his son, that sounds more like an excuse for a Hemsworth-Chris Pine buddy movie than a specifically George and Jim Kirk one. If Kirk’s dad had been played by someone less famous, nobody would be clamoring for that.


There’s also the thorny issue of Chekov, played by the late Anton Yelchin . Do you just casually kill him off between movies? Is Chekov as a character important enough to begin the movie Wakanda Forever -style, and build the rest of the story around loss and grief? Brushing it off does Yelchin a disservice, making it a huge deal grants the character more power over the story than he ever had before.

Advertisement Diminishing returns with the Star Trek movies

But these are relatively minor issues compared to the major one: the so-called Kelvin timeline movies have no compelling reason to exist anymore. They began, just like the Andrew Garfield Amazing Spider-Man movies, as a way to maintain the IP. When Viacom and CBS split, dividing the movie and TV studios, Paramount had 18 months to make a Star Trek movie or lose the rights forever (or so it seemed at the time). With no clear appetite for a Next Generation reunion, Paramount went all in on the prequel notion, brilliantly incorporating Leonard Nimoy to make it a sequel and a reboot told in an alternate timeline. As such, it would not interfere with whatever CBS wanted to do with the main timeline on TV.


While the two entities remained separated, we got Star Trek: Discovery on TV, which cast its own young Spock, and redesigned the Klingons to be bald and more alien looking. The Kelvin movies continued with diminishing returns: Into Darkness made the calamitous mistake of trying to literally remake The Wrath of Khan , while Beyond reused both J.J. Abrams’ Beastie Boys obsession and the “aliens who used to be human” conceit.


Then, in 2019, CBS and Viacom re-merged. All of Star Trek came back under one corporate umbrella. And just like Star Wars in the age of Disney+, Trek found that TV shows which gave fans the stories and the characters they wanted were a better bet than movies trying to please everybody. Discovery moved a bit more back in line with existing lore while traveling forward in the timeline, Picard and Prodigy brought back beloved veterans Patrick Stewart and Kate Mulgrew, Lower Decks smartly grabbed Rick and Morty ’s Mike McMahan for his ability to bring humor and deep-cut references to universe-building, and Strange New Worlds brought back classic episodic style, with the adventures of Pike and Spock, just before the Original Series’ time period.

The Trek timeline is finally moving forward

That new Star Trek movie fans would really want? It’s already here, and it’s called Star Trek: Picard season three. A full-on reunion of The Next Generation cast, similar to how The Motion Picture brought back the first cast, it’s longer than a feature would be, and a bit slower paced in order to spread across 10 episodes. Yet it never feels compromised by budget: with starship battles, planet-hopping, deep cuts and surprise cameos, it’s a worthy “final” adventure that, in the first six episodes screened for press, is better than any of the Next Gen cast’s actual movies.

Star Trek: Picard | Season 3 Official Trailer | Paramount+

Star Trek, at long last, is actually moving its prime timeline forward, which is better than Star Wars is managing to do. Thanks to Disney deciding that all comics and novels count as canon now, they avoid doing anything beyond Episode IX , lest they risk contradicting what the next movie director may do, and it hamstrings them as far as what’s left that’s allowable (mostly the period between the original trilogy and the sequel trilogy, which J.J. Abrams frustratingly left as a big, mysterious gap). For Trek, with Discovery so far in the future that it won’t affect anything, the timeline in which Picard and Janeway still exist is finally allowing the larger story of the Federation to progress.

Chris Pine s Latest Comments Spell Bad News for STAR TREK 4 - Nerdist

Chris Pine s Latest Comments Spell Bad News for STAR TREK 4 - Nerdist

Chris Pine’s Latest Comments Spell Bad News for STAR TREK 4

For a while there it certainly seemed like we would never get a Star Trek 4. But in February of 2022, another Star Trek film was announced. Since then, though, we haven’t heard very much about the progress of the potential fourth movie. And updates, both good and bad, have been slight. Still, it looks like there’s still a possibility the film could happen, even though the most recent comments about it where not wholly positive. Here’s everything we know about the progress of a possible Star Trek 4 movie.

The Latest Updates on Star Trek 4

Most recently, Chris Pine spoke about Star Trek 4, but he didn’t really have much to say. When chatting to Comicbook.com, Pine was asked about any updates about the movie. Pine responded, “Not that I know of.” And when asked if Pine had potentially read any Star Trek 4 scripts, he responded very plainly with “No, of course not.”

While that doesn’t inspire much hope in the status of the movie, Lindsey Anderson Beer, who was initially involved in the writing of the Star Trek 4 script, noted to Collider in September of 2023 that the project was still moving forward. She shared, “It is, it’s still on the tracks. I love that project, and it was another one that I had to hop off of to direct this movie, and that was a hard thing to do. But I love that everybody involved with that project.”

The Initial News About Another Trek Movie

These updates come on the heels of the initial burst of news we received about Star Trek 4. According to Deadline‘s February 2022 article, negotiations were underway with the intent to bring back all of the mainstays in the rebooted franchise. That includes getting Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, John Cho, and Simon Pegg to return for Star Trek 4. It was just one of the many major developments to arise out of the ViacomCBS Investor Day call in 2022. J.J. Abrams appeared on the call, confirming the reports that the fourth movie was a go.

WandaVision‘s Matt Shakman was originally on tap to direct Star Trek 4 but has since bowed out of the project. We will wait and see who may replace him. Josh Friedman and Cameron Squires will write the script. According to Deadline, their version is based on a script from Lindsey Beer and Geneva Robertson-Dworet. So, depending on how it goes, this film might have a lot of credited scribes.

Naturally, other details about Star Trek 4 remained under wraps, including the plot. It’s been a turbulent last several years for Star Trek 4. Back in 2018, plans for another film with the cast stalled, reportedly after Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth, who played George Kirk in the 2009 reboot, walked away over pay disputes. But Hemsworth later told Variety he wasn’t completely on board with the script.

Over the last several years, several people, from Noah Hawley to Quentin Tarantino, have tossed around ideas for a Star Trek film. (The Once Upon a Time in Hollywood writer-director really wanted to make the first R-rated Star Trek project. Mark L. Smith, who wrote The Revenant, even wrote a draft.)

Still, though, many, including John Cho, held out hope that the fourth film in the rebooted franchise would eventually happen and that the Enterprise crew would get back together—save one very important cast member.

Anton Yelchin, who played Chekov in the first three films, sadly passed away in 2016. Abrams confirmed at the time that the role would not be recast. He told the Toronto Sun, “I would say there’s no replacing him. There’s no recasting. I can’t possibly imagine that, and I think Anton deserves better.” We’d imagine this sentiment remains in place. And we can’t wait to see how they pay tribute to the late actor.

Where We Stand with Star Trek 4 Right Now

For now, Paramount has removed Star Trek 4 from its release schedule. And that’s about all we know for sure. One way or the other, we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled for more Star Trek 4 developments and any glimpse of Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, and the rest.

Originally published on June 8, 2022.

Звёздный Путь 4 (2030).

Звёздный Путь 4 (2030).

Звёздный Путь 4
(фильм, 2030 )

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Фильм Звёздный путь 4 ( Untitled Star Trek Sequel ) - смотреть онлайн бесплатно и легально на

Фильм Звёздный путь 4 ( Untitled Star Trek Sequel ) - смотреть онлайн бесплатно и легально на

Звёздный путь 4

В рейтинге самых ожидаемых фильмов фантастический боевик с элементами триллера и приключений Звездный путь 4 уже набрал 98%. Это четырнадцатый полнометражный фильм франшизы «Звездный путь», повествующей о команде космического корабля «Энтерпрайз». Серия этих кинолент о Вселенной всегда отличается масштабом съемок, где множество декораций реальные, а не сделаны на компьютере.

Сценаристами новой части выступили Патрик МакКей, Джон Д. Пэйн, которые также пишут сюжет к фильму Годзилла против Конга (2020 год) и семидесятилетний Джин Родденберри, который пишет сценарии, практически, всех частей Звездного пути.

Главная роль капитана Джеймса Кирка, которую он играл и в части Стартрек: Бесконечность, будет отдана Крису Пайну. Актер с игристыми голубыми глазами, часто играет озорные, но симпатичные персонажи. Крис родился в Лос-Анжелесе, в семье актеров. Международной звездой юноша стал после съемок Звездного пути 2009 года. Хикару Сулу сыграет актер Джон Чо. Молодой человек родился в Сеуле, в Южной Корее, однако позже переехал в Лос-Анжелес. Его отец был священником. Джон стал известным актером после молодежной комедии «Американский пирог» 1999 года. Помимо актерской деятельности Джон является еще и хорошим певцом.

В рейтинге самых ожидаемых фильмов фантастический боевик с элементами триллера и приключений Звездный путь 4 уже набрал 98%. Это четырнадцатый полнометражный фильм франшизы «Звездный путь», повествующей о команде космического корабля «Энтерпрайз». Серия этих кинолент о Вселенной всегда отличается масштабом съемок, где множество декораций реальные, а не сделаны на компьютере. Сценаристами новой час

Paramount Reportedly Working To Get ‘Star Trek 4’ Into Pre-Production “Quickly” –

Paramount Reportedly Working To Get ‘Star Trek 4’ Into Pre-Production “Quickly” –

Paramount Reportedly Working To Get ‘Star Trek 4’ Into Pre-Production “Quickly”

We have another update on the next Star Trek feature film from Paramount Pictures. It’s been over seven years since Star Trek Beyond, and there have been a number of starts and stops since. However, the studio is apparently planning to get the project moving forward again. There is also an update on how J.J. Abrams has shaped the story for the film.

Paramount looking to fine-tune Trek feature

The sudden focus on the next Star Trek movie is largely the result of the end of the WGA strike. Hollywood management is eager to get projects moving again in order to deliver new shows and movies at a rushed pace. A post-WGA-strike article by Variety breaking down how the different studios are moving forward calls out the next Trek feature at Paramount as an example:

Several big movie projects could see preproduction resume quickly. Paramount is hoping to have writers fine-tuning scripts for its planned reboot of “Star Trek” and its adaptation of Tom Clancy’s “Rainbow Six.”

In early 2022 when Paramount and producer J.J. Abrams announced they were moving forward with Star Trek 4 for an originally planned Christmas 2023 release, the latest draft for the movie was penned by Josh Friedman (Avatar 2) and Cameron Squires (WandaVision), based on earlier drafts by Lindsey Anderson Beer (Pet Semetary: Bloodlines) and Geneva Robertson-Dworet (Captain Marvel). It’s unknown if Friedman and Squires are doing the 2023 “fine-tuning.”

Based on an idea from J.J. Abrams

Having recently given encouraging words that the sequel to Star Trek Beyond is still in the works, original co-writer Lindsey Anderson Beer (who left the project to write and direct Pet Semetary: Bloodlines for Paramount+) has another update. When asked by ComicBook.com what her version of the movie might have looked like, Beer revealed that the basis for the story came directly from J.J. Abrams:

“I wrote a couple drafts of that before I had to leave for Pet Sematary. And it was originally, the seed of the idea came from J.J. himself, who’s such a creatively generous person, and it was amazing collaborating with him…”

Earlier this year, Abrams talked up this idea, now known to be his own. He told Esquire:

“I will say it’s the first time that we have a story that feels as compelling as the first one [2009’s Star Trek].”

Lindsey Anderson Beer credits J.J. Abrams with the basis for her screenplay

Despite considerable delays and an unclear path forward, fan support for the Kelvin-era movies remains strong, albeit not universal. The cast remains committed to reprising their roles if and when the movie is ready to shoot. All eyes look back to Paramount to see if a director and script can be lined up or if other projects will continue to get priority over Star Trek.

Star Trek 4 potential release date, cast and more

Star Trek 4 potential release date, cast and more

Star Trek 4 potential release date, cast and everything you need to know

In conversation with Collider on September 2023, Lindsey Anderson Beer promised things are still in motion. "It's still on the tracks. I love that project, and it was another one that I had to hop off of to direct [Pet Sematary: Bloodlines], and that was a hard thing to do. But I love everybody involved with that project."

It's a promising update after getting a disappointing one last summer from Spock actor Zachary Quinto, who defined the state of the production as "complicated".

"I think there’s a lot of other stuff, creative things," he said during a Q&A in a convention in Las Vegas (via TrekMovie) on August 2023.

"The fact that anything good gets made is kind of miracle. I think it’s about different people having different agendas and ideas about what it will be. And I don’t know if and when it will happen… And if coalesces again and we come back and we’re able to do it, wonderful. If not, we had a great run."

Star Trek 4 has yet to be officially confirmed or cancelled, leaving Star Trek fans in the dark about whether they'll see the USS Enterprise on the big screen again.

Despite Quinto's comments, work still seem to be underway on a potential return.

In March 2023, JJ Abrams – who has produced all three movies in the reboot trilogy and directed two of them – said that a search for a director is ongoing.

"I will say it's the first time [since the original reboot] that we have a story that feels as compelling as the first one," he told Esquire. Of course, Chris Pine also called the franchise "cursed" so it depends how hopeful you feel like being.

All we really know right now is that Star Trek 4 won't be coming to cinemas in December 2023 as it was originally announced.

The long-gestating movie finally looked to be on track in February 2022 when it was announced that JJ Abrams was returning to produce and Matt Shakman to directing, to the surprise of the cast as much as the fans.

Unfortunately, Shakman left the movie in August 2022 to direct Fantastic Four for Marvel instead. And then in September 2022, Paramount took the movie off the release calendar entirely, but at least it sounds like a director search is ongoing.

But while we wait, here's everything you need to know about the (potential) return of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek 4.

Star Trek 4 potential release date: When can we expect Star Trek 4?

As you'll know from reading the above, Star Trek 4 hasn't got a confirmed release date at the moment, having been indefinitely delayed from the planned December 22, 2023 slot. There's no rumours about when it could reappear on the schedule.

In June 2022, prior to Shakman leaving the project, Paramount boss Brian Robbins did confirm development was under way on the fourth Star Trek. "We're deep into it with JJ Abrams, and it feels like we're getting close to the starting line and excited about where we're going creatively," he said.

However, in November 2022, star Zachary Quinto told The Independent: "At this point, I honestly have very little attachment to it.

"All of us would like to come back and make another movie, but I’ve learnt to only get excited about things I know are actually real. And there's nothing about a fourth Star Trek movie that feels real right now."

Quinto still doesn't seem too sure as of summer 2023, but other involved people like writer Lindsey Anderson Beer seem to have faith in the project moving forward.

Star Trek 4 cast: Who's going to be in Star Trek 4?

Even when Star Trek 4 was originally being released in December 2023, it hadn't been 100% confirmed that the reboot cast would be back.

That being said, during his June 2022 announcement, Robbins did say he knew audience "wants that cast in this movie" – referring to the reboot cast.

So, if it ever does come to fruition, we'd be surprised if it was with a brand-new cast. You can likely then expect the returns of Chris Pine (Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock), Zoe Saldaña (Uhura), Karl Urban (Bones), John Cho (Sulu) and Simon Pegg (Scotty).

Urban certainly seems keen for a return, although he also revealed in March 2022 that, like Pine, he hadn't read a script yet. "I would love to work with those guys again, so much fun, the best hang. We'll see," he enthused.

It all feels very up in the air, as per Quinto's quotes, but that doesn't mean we can't hope!

The initial plan for the fourth movie was to have a timey-wimey adventure that featured Chris Pine's James T Kirk somehow joining forces with his long-dead dad, played by Chris Hemsworth.

Hemsworth opened up in May 2019 about why he stepped away from the movie, saying: "I didn't feel like we landed on a reason to revisit that yet. I didn't want to be underwhelmed by what I was going to bring to the table."

It's unclear if this new version of Star Trek 4 plans to bring Hemsworth back or if it's gone in a totally new direction, but Hemsworth seems open to a return for the fourth movie.

In October 2022, Rings of Power bosses JD Payne and Patrick McKay teased more about what their original idea for the fourth movie was going to be. "The conceit was that through a cosmic quirk in the Star Trek world, they were the same age," McKay explained.

We also don't know yet whether the new movie will recast Pavel Chekov following Anton Yelchin's tragic death in 2016. "It's bittersweet because we are coming together for a fourth time, and one of us is no longer with us," Saldaña said in March 2022.

"But we honestly feel that going back and keeping the Star Trek family together is a way to really keep him alive in our thoughts and our hearts."

Star Trek 4 plot: What's going to happen in Star Trek 4?

Right now, we don't have any confirmed plot details for the fourth movie, and it's not clear how closely it'll follow on from the ending of Star Trek Beyond.

The third movie ended with Kirk declining the promotion to vice admiral and staying as the captain of the USS Enterprise. Spock also chose to remain in Starfleet and reignited his romance with Uhura.

As the movie ends, they're all set to continue their mission on a brand-new USS Enterprise after the previous one was destroyed during the movie's events.

It means that the fourth movie can go anywhere. But, for Pine, he believes that whatever the plot is, it shouldn't try to compete with Marvel.

"I've always thought that Star Trek should operate in the zone that is smaller. You know, it's not a Marvel appeal. It's like, let's make the movie for the people that love this group of people, that love this story, that love Star Trek," he said.

"Let's make it for them and then, if people want to come to the party, great. But make it for a price and make it, so that if it makes a half-billion dollars, that's really good."

Star Trek 4 trailer: Any Star Trek 4 footage yet?

You're kidding, right? We'd love to get all timey-wimey ourselves and show you a trailer for Star Trek 4 from the future, but we're stuck in the Mirror Universe.

Movies Editor, Digital Spy

Ian has more than 10 years of movies journalism experience as a writer and editor. Starting out as an intern at trade bible Screen International, he was promoted to report and analyse UK box-office results, as well as carving his own niche with horror movies, attending genre festivals around the world. After moving to Digital Spy, initially as a TV writer, he was nominated for New Digital Talent of the Year at the PPA Digital Awards. He became Movies Editor in 2019, in which role he has interviewed 100s of stars, including Chris Hemsworth, Florence Pugh, Keanu Reeves, Idris Elba and Olivia Colman, become a human encyclopedia for Marvel and appeared as an expert guest on BBC News and on-stage at MCM Comic-Con. Where he can, he continues to push his horror agenda – whether his editor likes it or not.

Gabriella Geisinger is a freelance journalist and film critic, and was previously Deputy Movies Editor at Digital Spy. She loves Star Wars, coming-of-age stories, thrillers, and true crime. A born and raised New Yorker, she also loves coffee and the colour black, obviously.

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После опасных приключений, и длительной разлуки, дочь губернатора города Порт-Ройяль очаровательная Элизабет Суонн облачается в чудесное белое платье, и с трепетом ждет когда священник объявит ее и мужественного мастера оружейника Уилла Тернера законными супругами. К сожалению ритуалу не дано завершиться и в этот раз, поскольку в зале появляется караул гвардейцев возглавляемый офицером Ост-Индской компании Катлером Беккетом. Он предъявляет оформленный по всем правилам королевский указ, гласящий о необходимости взять под стражу невесту и ее отца, по обвинению в сношениях с пиратом Джеком Воробьем.

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