Флэш 2 сезон 1 серия 06.10.2015 в озвучке LostFilm смотреть онлайн сериал в качестве HD720 бесплатно без рекламы и регистрации

Флэш 2 сезон 1 серия 06.10.2015 в озвучке LostFilm смотреть онлайн сериал в качестве HD720 бесплатно без рекламы и регистрации

Флэш 2 сезон 1 серия от 06.10.2015

Уважаемый зритель, на этой странице вы можете посмотреть онлайн 1 серию 2 сезона сериала Флэш в овзучке LostFilm бесплатно в хорошем качестве без регистрации на любом устройстве в формате mp4.
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Сезон 2 (23 эпизода)

Гонка всей жизни




Сбежавший динозавр



Как прежде


Против Зума


Возвращение Флэша




Король Акул


Побег с Земли-2


Добро пожаловать на Землю-2


Скоростная прямая


Возвращение Обратного Флэша


Потенциальная энергия


Бег на месте


Легенды сегодняшнего дня


Война с Гориллой


Появление Зума


Тьма и свет


Ярость Огненного Шторма


Семья негодяев


Флэш двух миров


Человек, который спас Централ-Сити


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Уорвик Дэвис (Warwick Davis) - Фильмы и сериалы

Уорвик Дэвис

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Сборы российских фильмов в прокате в 2019 году снизились на 1,5 млрд рублей - Афиша Daily

Сборы российских фильмов в прокате в 2019 году снизились на 1,5 млрд рублей - Афиша Daily

Сборы российских фильмов в прокате в 2019 году снизились на 1,5 млрд рублей

Российские фильмы в 2019 году собрали в прокате 12,3 млрд рублей, почти каждый четвертый (23%) билет в кино был продан на них, сообщили в Минкультуры. В то же время сборы российского кино снизились на 1,5 млрд рублей по сравнению с 2018 годом (тогда они превышали 13,8 млрд рублей).

С ведомстве спад объяснили тем, что в прокат вышел «целый ряд ожидаемых голливудских фильмов»: «Король Лев», «Аладдин» (на сайте Минкультуры он значится как «Алладин»), «Мстители: Финал», «Как приручить дракона», «Холодное сердце», «Малефисента: Владычица тьмы», «Звездные войны: Скайуокер. Восход», «Джокер» и другие. «Американские блокбастеры просто напалмом жгли европейский национальный кинематограф, рвали кассу в Китае», — прокомментировала итоги года глава Департамента кинематографии Минкультуры Ольга Любимова.

Самые большие сборы в 2019 году из российских фильмов оказались у «Т-34» Алексея Сидорова, картина заработала в прокате 2,3 млрд рублей. Два фильма по мотивам одноименного сериала «Полицейский с Рублевки. Новогодний беспредел» и «Полицейский с Рублевки. Новогодний беспредел-2» привлекли в общей сложности 1,7 млрд рублей. Также в числе лидеров оказались фильмы «Громкая связь», «Бабушка легкого поведения-2», «Миллиард» и «Текст».

Всего в 2019 году сборы фильмов в России достигли 55,4 млрд рублей, было продано почти 220 млн билетов в кино — это максимальное количество в современной российской истории. Темп роста по сравнению с 2018 годом составил +10% по сборам и +9% по количеству билетов.

Весной издание «Проект» выяснило, что только 19 из 160 фильмов, снятых с 2012 по 2017 год при поддержке Министерства культуры и Фонда кино, окупились в прокате. Также оказалось, что на показах в кинотеатрах более чем половины фильмов, финансированных Министерством культуры, почти не было зрителей.

The Flash 2 News and Updates: Will The Flash Get a Sequel?

The Flash 2 News and Updates: Will The Flash Get a Sequel?

A Sequel for The Flash? Maybe Not. More Batman? Oh Yes.

The movie just premiered, but we're feeling pretty confident about this one.

By Milan Polk Published: Jun 17, 2023 10:00 AM EST

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DC Studios is in a transitional period right now. The DCEU—built around Zack Snyder's Man of Steel and the near-decade of films that followed it—is over, and co-CEOs James Gunn and Peter Safran have announced a whole new slate of movies and television shows (dubbed the 'DCU')to usher in a new era of comic book adaptations.

Still, we're not sure what that means for the characters of the DCEU who still have films slated for release. There's no clear answer on how the DCEU will definitively end, and if that means the end of the characters DC Studios has spent substantial time and money building up. While we know, say, Henry Cavill is not going to return as Superman any time soon (much to Black Adam's dismay) , Aquaman still has another film set to release in December, and Blue Beetle is set to make its film debut (although it appears to be separate from the DCEU). Will they get a simple send-off, or will they survive the shift into the new DC cinematic universe, welcoming in new characters and new storylines?

It's the question many had for The Flash, one of the few films left in the DCEU's remaining slate. After facing filming delays (and significant controversy involving its star), The Flash has finally hit theaters. Like every other superhero film these days, there is, of course, a post-credits scene, along with cameos and callbacks. DC knows what its fans want. So it's safe to say there's little ambiguity in how the movie ends, and what it means for this current rendition of Flash. If DC plans to have more of Ezra Miller's take on the speedy superhero, we'll likely hear about it soon.

Here's what we know about a potential sequel for The Flash, based on how the film ends.

Will The Flash have a sequel?

Probably not. The Flash ends with Barry outside his original timeline, in a parallel universe where (spoiler!) George Clooney is Bruce Wayne/Batman, in a callback to George Clooney's stint as the masked crusader in 1999's campy Batman & Robin.

Ezra Miller in The Flash.

The film doesn't set up any new villains or conflicts, and appears to end with Barry realizing the situation he's in, but with no urge to change it, considering the entire film is about how changing the past can irrevocably impact the world around him. It looks like, officially, the Barry we know is stuck in a different universe, and he won't be coming back. Unless if for some reason we continue in the Batman & Robin universe? Except it's not quite as colorful as the late director Joel Schumacher made it in that film.

Which is to say. The Flash is probably the last we'll see of Ezra Miller's Barry. If there were to be a sequel, there'd have to be an explanation for how he got back to the Ben Affleck/Henry Cavill/Gal Gadot timeline, or how he switched to whatever timeline James Gunn's new DC Batman and Superman are in.

But also. why is Aquaman still Jason Momoa, but Batman has morphed into either George Clooney or Michael Keaton, depending on the timeline changes? Guess we'll never know.

The Flash director Andy Muschietti will return to Batman soon, though, with The Brave and the Bold.

Christopher Polk // Getty Images

While there's no indication or certainty of any sort that we'll ever see Ezra Miller's Flash again, we know now that one part of The Flash will remain a key piece of James Gunn's DCU going forward: director Andy Muschietti, who Variety reported was tapped as director of the upcoming Batman film The Brave and the Bold.

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30 лучших фильмов, похожих на Малефисента (0)

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Варкрафт (2016)

Веками магия и неприступные стены защищали людей от любых напастей. Но древнее зло, побежденное и забытое тысячелетия назад, пробудилось. В самом сердце королевства открылся темный портал, и раса невиданных существ наводнила земли Азерота. Так начались события, пр.


Малефисента: Владычица тьмы (2019)

Продолжение истории о темной фее Малефисенте и принцессе Авроре, действие которого разворачивается спустя несколько лет после событий первой части. Аврора соглашается выйти замуж за принца Филипа, и родители жениха король Джон и королева Ингрит приглашают будущую.


Фантастические твари: Преступления Грин-де-Вальда (2018)

Сбежавший из тюрьмы Грин-де-Вальд собирает приспешников, разделяющих его идею господства магов над маглами. Профессор трансфигурации в школе чародейства и волшебства Хогвартс Альбус Дамблдор просит своего ученика Ньюта Саламандера помочь противостоять злодею. 20.


Последний богатырь (2017)

Предприимчивый молодой человек Иван необъяснимым образом переносится из привычного мегаполиса в параллельную реальность, мифическое Белогорье. Здесь он с удивлением узнает, что все сказочные персонажи, о которых ему доводилось читать в детстве, существуют в реальн.


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Джек – покоритель великанов (2013)

История начинается с похищения принцессы, что грозит нарушить хрупкий мир между людьми и великанами. Юный фермер возглавляет вылазку в царство гигантов в надежде спасти девушку. 2013 , , приключения, фэнтези, , Билл Найи, Юэн МакГрегор, Элинор Томлинсон.


Оз: Великий и Ужасный (2013)

Красочный, динамичный приключенческий фильм переносит зрителей в начало 20 века. Находчивый, хитрый фокусник Оскар Диггс попал в щекотливую ситуацию. Домой не вовремя вернулся муж любовницы, и Оскару пришлось срочно скрываться. Мощный торнадо уносит мужчину в неизв.


Красавица и чудовище (2014)

Сказочная мелодрама, знакомая с детства. Дочь купца, смелая и отважная Белль, отправляется в замок чудовища, чтобы спасти жизнь своего отца. Очутившись в замке, Белль попадает в потусторонний мир волшебства, фантастических приключений и&nbs.


Алиса в стране чудес (2010)

Всемирно известная книга Люиса Кэррола предстала в новом, загадочном и порой мрачном виде. В своем новом фильме Тим Бертон использует множество новых технологий, в частности прием "цифрового захвата", который позволит увидеть актеров в непривычных о.


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Мрачные тени (2012)

Главный герой фильма – богатый дворянин Барнабас Коллинз. Будучи неисправимым Казановой, он разбивает сердце своей молодой служанки Анжелики. Девушка оказывается ведьмой и превращает Барнабаса в вампира, похоронив его в склепе. Спустя 200 лет Коллинз случайно освоб.


Хроники Нарнии: Покоритель Зари (2010)

Пока старшие отпрыски семейства Певенси вступают во взрослую жизнь, младшие Эдмунд (Скандар Кейнс) и Люси (Джорджи Хенли) вынуждены коротать военное время у дяди с тетей. Там, помимо незавидного положения нежеланных гостей, им приходится терпеть еще и юного кузе.


Маленькая ведьма (2018)

Маленькой ведьме всего 127 лет, она совсем еще девочка. Она живет в лесу вместе с вороном Абрахасом и очень хочет стать такой же, как старшие ведьмы, и веселиться на празднике Вальпургиевой ночи, куда ей пока вход воспрещен. Однажды она нарушает запрет и прилетает.


Золотой Компас (2007)

. Двенадцатилетняя Лира отправляется в удивительное путешествие к Северному Полюсу, чтобы спасти своего похищенного друга. В помощь к девочке приходят северные ведьмы под предводительством прекрасной Серафины Пеккала и огромный бронированный медведь. На пути их сто.


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Белоснежка и охотник (2012)

Злая Королева после смерти своего супруга-короля затевает недоброе: она собирается избавиться от своей падчерицы, то есть принцессы. Для этого мокрого дела Злая Королева нанимает специального человека, охотника, цель которого отвести беззащитную принцессу пода.


Тайна дома с часами (2018)

Мальчик Льюис Барнавелт (Оуэн Ваккаро) потерял родителей и теперь вынужден переехать к своему дяде Джонатану (Джек Блэк). Переступив порог старинного особняка, юноша окунается в странный мир волшебства, где повсюду тикают часы, а за каждой дверью кроется тайна. Вс.


Ученик чародея (2010)

Волшебство издревле существовало в нашем мире, и могущественный маг Мерлин всегда защищал человечество от зла. Свои знания он передал трем ученикам: Бальтазару, Хорвату и Веронике. Из-за предательства злодея Хорвата старый маг был убит, а предателя заключили в вол.


Чем дальше в лес. (2014)

Приключенческий мюзикл «Чем дальше в лес…» повествует о событиях, происходящих в таинственном лесу. Злобная ведьма наслала на молодую пару бездетную жизнь. Молодой пекарь отправляется к колдунье с просьбой об освобождении от злых чар взамен на выполнение любого ее .


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Братья Гримм (2005)

. XIX век. Уилл и Джейк Гримм путешествуют по Германии, пытаясь заработать деньги мошенничеством: они ездят по деревням, убеждая жителей, что у них завелись ведьма или тролль. За вознаграждение братья успешно `изгоняют` эту нечисть. Слава об `экзорсистах` доходит д.


Братья Гримм (2005)

Красавчики Мэтт Дэймон и Хит Леджер играют братьев Гримм, которых зовут почему-то Уилл и Джейк, а не Вильгельм и Якоб. Они путешествуют по деревушкам, занимаясь собиранием фольклора и "прогоняя нечисть" за деньги, конечно же, не встречаясь с чем-то пот.


Последний охотник на ведьм (2015)

Наш мир полон тайн и загадок, но самое удивительное ведьмы до сих пор живут среди нас! Эти злобные сверхъестественные существа стремятся утвердить на земле царство Черной смерти. Веками им противостояли армии охотников на ведьм, но до наших дней в сражениях высто.


Три королевы Сиама (2008)

Правление Королевы Хиджо Лангказуки переживало серьёзный внутренний конфликт. Принц мятежник Роэй, сговорившись с предводителем пиратов Черным Вороном решил поднять восстание чтобы свергнуть Хиджо с престола. Для войны с Королевой, пираты пытаются захватить голланд.



Седьмой сын (2014)


Гретель и Гензель (2020)

2020 ужасы, триллер, , ,Оз Перкинс,, Мануэль Помбо, Джессика Де Гау, Чарльз Бабалола, Элис Крайдж,София Лиллис, Йен Кенни, Сэмюэл Лики, Абдул Альшариф, .


Восход тьмы (2007)

. Жизнь главного героя переворачивается, когда он случайно узнаёт, что судьбой ему предначертано стать последним из бессмертных воинов, посвятивших всю свою жизнь борьбе с силами Тьмы. Наш герой отправляется в путешествие через века, чтобы найти шесть элементов, ко.


Восход тьмы (2007)

Главный герой фильма мальчик по имени Уилл Стэнтон (Александр Людвиг). Его жизнь в одночасье переворачивается с ног на голову, когда он узнает, что он избранный и должен стать одним из бессмертных воинов, сражающихся с силами тьмы. Чтобы победить зло, Уиллу приде.


Подземелье драконов 3: Книга заклинаний (2012)

2000 лет назад могучий колдун Нагрул, вселявший в людские сердца страх и отчаяние, перед лицом смерти продал свою душу Демону, чтобы его полный ненависти дух выжил, когда его тело умрет. В мучительном ритуале, верные слуги сделали из кожи мага страницы, из раздробл.


Золушка (2015)

Отец молодой девушки по имени Элла, овдовев, женится во второй раз, и вскоре Элла оказывается один на один с жадными и завистливыми новыми родственницами мачехой Леди Тремэйн и ее дочерями Анастасией и Дризеллой. Из хозяйки дома она превращается в служанку, вечно .

Золушка (2015)

Отец молодой девушки Эллы после трагической кончины супруги женится во второй раз. Не желая перечить любимому отцу, Элла примиряется с присутствием в доме мачехи Леди Тремэйн и её дочерей Анастасии и Дризеллы. Но из хозяйки дома она превращается в служанку, ходящую.

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The Flash 2: Canceled Plans, Release Changes & Everything We Know

The Flash 2: Canceled Plans, Release Changes & Everything We Know

What's Next After The Flash? Everything We Know The Flash 2

Will the DCU reboot include The Flash 2? Here's everything you need to know about the potential DC sequel.

Summary The potential for The Flash 2 depended on the success of the first film and whether it fits into the new architecture of the DC Universe. There is already a finished script for The Flash 2, which features the return of Michael Keaton's Batman and Sasha Calle's Supergirl. The Flash 2's story could focus on the multiverse chaos and the aftermath of The Flash, potentially introducing a new reality created by Barry Allen.

Will The Flash 2 ever happen after The Flash? What role might Barry Allen play in the franchise’s future? Will the DCU's upcoming reboot completely recast the DC speedster and throw everything from the DCEU movie timeline out? With James Gunn’s Superman: Legacy kicking off the new DCU, signs have never looked particularly promising, but that doesn't mean plans weren't drawn up.

Andy Muschietti's story, which draws from DC Comics event Flashpoint, deals with the multiverse and time travel, and The Flash's ending sets up the potential for an alternate timeline that could continue despite the DCU reboot. At this stage, despite The Flash's box office performance, a sequel has never been officially canceled, with Aquaman's David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick having penned a script already. Even if it doesn't happen, here's everything you need to know about The Flash 2.

The Flash 2 News & Key Articles

The Flash 2 Key Articles The Flash 2 Would Have Answered 1 Big Villain Mystery, But Don't Hold Your Breath The Flash 2 Could Happen At DC, But It Needs To Hit A Specific Box Office Target The Flash 2: No One Can Replace Ezra Miller In DC Movie Sequel Says Director The DCU's Confusing Timeline Accidentally Confirms The Flash's Return Is The Flash 2 Happening?

When discussing the possibility of The Flash 2 happening, The Flash director Andy Muschietti (via Collider) revealed that they were waiting to see how the film does before discussing a sequel. Muschietti noted that DC is currently crafting a new architecture for its universe and that whether The Flash 2 will happen depends on whether it would fit into this new architecture. Muschietti also pointed out how “the multiverse allows all of these different worlds to coexist” and that, “hopefully,” The Flash will get a sequel. Muschietti's comments indicate that the focus is entirely on The Flash for now, and that The Flash 2 depends on a few different factors.

The Flash 2 Plans Revealed

According to Variety, there is already a finished sequel script courtesy of Aquaman scribe David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick ready for a greenlight on the sequel. That report also confirmed the return of Michael Keaton’s Batman and Calle’s new Supergirl, which is confusing given The Flash's ending introduces George Clooney's Batman. Quite what it would have built to is unclear: Walter Hamada has apparently wanted to make a Crisis On Infinite Earths movie, which The Flash does sort of set up. It obviously wouldn't have tied into the original Snyderverse plans to build to Flashpoint and then the Justice League sequels teased by Zack Snyder's Knightmare epilogue.

The Flash 2 Potential Release Date - If It Happened

The DC Universe slates currently include Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, Joker: Folie à Deux, Superman: Legacy, and The Batman - Part II. Like The Flash, Aquaman 2 is part of the original DCEU, Blue Beetle’s status in the DC Universe is consciously vague, both Joker 2 and The Batman – Part II are Elseworld films, and Superman: Legacy will kickstart a new DC Universe. Considering that both Superman: Legacy and The Batman – Part II will release in 2025, The Flash 2's release date could be as early as 2026.

The Flash 2 Cast: Ezra Miller Recasting Status & Who Would Return?

According to The Flash director Andy Muschietti, no one can replace Ezra Miller ((via The Playlist) for this iteration of Barry Allen. The Ezra Miller controversies led to uncertainty regarding Barry Allen’s future in the DC Universe, even more so because The Flash sees Miller play two Barrys. Going by Muschietti’s answer, Miller would reprise their role as Barry Allen should The Flash 2 happen. As the script includes them, it seems likely both Michael Keaton’s Batman and Sasha Calle’s Supergirl would return in The Flash 2 and George Clooney's Bruce Wayne would have to return at least briefly. Other The Flash cast members that could return include Kiersey Clemons (Iris West) and Ron Livingston (Henry Allen).

The Flash 2 Story: How The Flash Ending Sets Up A Sequel

Not much has been said about what The Flash 2’s story would look like. However, considering that The Flash is a Justice League-level multiverse film featuring multiple superheroes, perhaps The Flash 2 would go for something smaller. The Flash's ending obviously sets up more multiverse chaos as Barry Allen changed the main DC timeline to bring in George Clooney's Batman by freeing his father from prison. That multiverse meddling would presumably have to be the focus of The Flash 2.

There's also the possibility that The Flash 2’s story would have adapted something like Crisis on Infinite Earths. If The Flash 2 happens as a DC Universe movie rather than an Elseworlds film, whatever happens in the sequel would have major implications for the franchise. Either way, The Flash 2 could deal with the aftermath of The Flash, highlighting the differences between the original DCEU and this likely new reality that Barry Allen might create in the film.

Will The Flash 2 Be Part of James Gunn's DC Universe?

James Gunn described The Flash as a "fantastic movie" during the DC Universe: Chapter 1 – Gods and Monsters announcement. However, the Flash as a character was not mentioned by Gunn during the initial DC Universe slate announcement. Neither Barry Allen nor any of the other Flashes are part of the initial DC Universe: Chapter 1 slate. That raises the question of whether The Flash 2 fits into Gunn’s DC Universe plan. In addition, it leaves Ezra Miller’s future as the Flash up in the air. According to James Gunn, The Flash resets the DC Universe.

A DC Universe will never be complete without the Flash, be it Barry Allen or Wally West. Therefore, it is safe to say that a Flash will be part of James Gunn’s DC Universe, as hinted in Blue Beetle already. However, whether The Flash's Ezra Miller will return as Barry Allen in Gunn’s new DC Universe is difficult to say. Neither Ben Affleck’s Batman nor Henry Cavill’s Superman is returning for the new franchise, meaning that a Flash recast or reboot could still be on the cards. As such, even if The Flash 2 does not happen, the new DC Universe will likely feature the character at some point.

Фильм Малефисента 3 часть - дата выхода, когда будет продолжение?

Фильм Малефисента 3 часть - дата выхода, когда будет продолжение?

Фильм Малефисента 3 часть — будет ли продолжение?

«Малефисента» — диснеевский фильм, основанный на антагонисте сказки «Спящая красавица». Главную роль исполнила Анджелина Джоли, к ней присоединились Шарлто Копли, Эль Фаннинг, Сэм Райли, Имельда Стонтон, Джуно Темпл и Лесли Мэнвилл в ролях второго плана.

Первый фильм был снят Робертом Стромбергом по сценарию Линды Вулвертон, написавшей в 1991 году анимационный фильм «Красавица и чудовище». На момент выхода фильм стал четвертым по прибылям фильмом и получил неоднозначные отзывы. Он также стал самым кассовым фильмом Джоли.

Продолжение фильма «Малефисента: Владычица тьмы» было выпущено в 2019 году. Этот фильм не имел такого же успеха, как первый фильм, с точки зрения коммерческого успеха, а также приема зрителей. Но несмотря на то, как второй фильм показал себя, франшиза Малефисента будет развиваться.

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Когда выйдет фильм Малефисента 3 часть

Новости о третьем фильме «Малефисента» уже распространялись в 2019 году, когда вышел второй фильм. Тогда сообщалось, что Disney уже разрабатывает третий фильм. Также в 2021 году в интервью продюсер Джефф Киршенбаум заявил, что выйдет 3 часть «Малефисенты», но она все еще находится на очень ранней стадии разработки. К тому времени уже был готов первый набросок сценария.

Хотя официальных объявлений о дате выхода 3 части пока нет, есть слухи которые говорят, что придется подождать еще около 2 лет. Между первым и вторым фильмами прошло почти пять лет. Учитывая, что работа над третьим фильмом началась в 2019 году, а обновлений пока нет, мы можем ожидать, что «Малефисента 3» выйдет в 2024 году.

Каким будет сюжет Малефисента 3 часть?

Второй фильм сняли через пять лет после окончания первого фильма. (Внимание, впереди спойлеры!) Король Стефан, отец Авроры, также известной как Спящая красавица, умер, и теперь она стала королевой мавров. Она хочет выйти замуж за принца Филиппа, но его мать, королева Ингрит, ненавидит мавров, их волшебную культуру и особенно Малефисенту. Кроме того, есть также второстепенный сюжет о появлении находящейся под угрозой исчезновения могущественной расы фей, известной как Темные Феи.

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Малефисента становится героем во втором фильме, а королева Ингрит берет на себя роль злодейки. Есть счастливый конец, поскольку Аврора и Филипп живут долго и счастливо, а Малефисента возвращается в мир Темных Фей. Но для третьего фильма необходимо создать новые конфликты, чтобы либо снова вернуть Малефисенту в роли злодейки, либо искать нового плохого парня. История будет посвящена жизни членов королевской семьи после свадьбы, и у которых будет ребенок.

Смотрите также: Охотники за привидениями: Леденящий ужас (2024) Актерский состав Малефисента 3 часть

Анджелина Джоли в роли Малефисенты и Эль Фаннинг в роли Авроры обязательно вернутся к своим ролям вместе с Харрисом Дикинсоном в роли принца Филиппа. Мишель Пфайффер, сыгравшая королеву Ингрит, также может появиться в фильме, в зависимости от сюжета.

Лесли Мэнвилл в роли Флиттла определенно не вернется, и неясно, вернется ли Дженн Мюррей в роли Герды. Однако Эд Скрейн в роли Борры вернется, пережив последнюю битву.

Съемка фильма Малефисента "
Super Smash Flash 2 – Super Smash Flash

Super Smash Flash 2 – Super Smash Flash

Super Smash Flash 2

Hey Bud,
Flash does not appear to be working
Click here for help fixing it!


Due to the Flash Player reaching end-of-life, it is no longer possible to play this game directly on this page the traditional way in most browsers. However, thanks to a project called Ruffle significant strides are being made to emulate Flash. Currently only ActionScript 2.0 games are fully supported and functionality isn't perfect yet for ActionScript 3.0 games, but since writing this Super Smash Flash 2 has begun to successfully get past the loading screen in most cases! You can test it out using the links below (currently works best in Google Chrome):

Play SSF2 in Ruffle | Play SSF2 Using Flash | Download SSF2 to Desktop

If the game still won't load you'll have to switch to the downloadable version of SSF2 until the remaining problems are fully addressed. If you'd like to support the development of Ruffle we urge you to check out its Open Collective page.

The most popular Smash fangame on the internet has received its biggest update yet – 3 years in the making!

Are you ready to experience…

NOTE: This game is still very much a work in progress. If you’d like to assist with the development, please click here.

…Super Smash what?
– Super Smash Flash is back! You do remember us, right? The original Smash Bros fangame, most popular for content and difficulty, rather than gameplay, Super Smash Flash was…well, Super Smash in a Flash. It showed very few similarities to the actual Smash Bros gameplay as it was our first game, yet still somehow attracted large crowds of people. Now, with the knowledge we’ve picked up along the way, we’re striving for the utmost quality this time around. Super Smash Flash 2 is not a game made by one person in a month, like SSF1. Super Smash Flash 2 is a game made by hundreds of people over several years. It will be one of the biggest Smash bros fan-games – no. One of the biggest Flash games, to date. We promise.

Is this actually made in Flash?
– It is, and one of our major product goals here is to show that Flash is underestimated and underappreciated. If we can make a console-quality game with controller support, online mode, and 10 years worth of custom art, so can you. No other programming interface would allow us the kind of convenience and workflow that we have with Super Smash Flash 2 without custom tools. Flash is incredible for creating video games and animations with a low barrier to entry and an incredibly simple interface. (tl,dr stop calling for Flash to die, jerks)

Why does your game have a Wikipedia page?
– I have no idea but we’re really excited about it.

This isn’t listed on Twitch! Can I stream/watch SSF2 Beta live?
Unfortunately, Twitch does not list us as a game. We suggest using YouTube Gaming!

Do you have a Discord?
We do! Please note that invitations are not always open, so if the link doesn’t work please check back again later.

Can I use my gamepad?
– If your OS recognizes it, and you’ve got drivers… yes! Please note, at this time only the downloadable version of the game (to your right) supports gamepads due to shortfalls and discrepancies in support between the browsers.

Where’s the best place to find matches?
– Our partners over at Anther’s Ladder run an awesome chat with matchmaking built right in! Check it out here.

Can you add [insert character here]?
– Unfortunately with a game of this scale, we need to plan things out ahead of time so that we can finish the game at some point. At this time we cannot accept content suggestions for this reason. Sorry!

How can I support your development?
– We are not accepting any monetary compensation on behalf of Super Smash Flash 2. The best way to support us is to keep playing. It’ll make us happy. Hopefully it’ll make you happy too.

– Super Smash Flash 2’s Beta release is our final full-featured update to our public release before the full game. We’re hard at work and well on our way, and we allow you to experience our progress along the way – that is the point of Super Smash Flash 2’s demos.

Are there combos in Super Smash Flash 2?
– Absolutely. Super Smash Flash 2 has low landing lag, high hitstun, and high gravity, leading to an exhilarating combo game with lots of mixups that will still feel right at home to those coming from any of the official Smash games – even ones where combos don’t exist. This is one of our major project goals.

Which Smash game is SSF2 based off of?
– Ah, I see you noticed that SSF1 was based off of Melee, huh. Well, think of SSF2 as a Frankenstein. We’re smashing together a “Greatest Hits” type deal with our engine, feel, and aesthetics, but we’re also taking our own creative liberties as well. There’s no definite answer to this question!

Well, in terms of engine?
– SSF2’s engine is Frankenstein’d too. At first glance, it’s very reminiscent of Smash 4, actually, some of the more obvious engine aspects will make that clear right away (with the low landing lag, high-ish hitstun, high gravity, etc.) But it goes deeper than that, and this will become more apparent as the game matures and we begin activating our other engine aspects.

Do characters have complete movesets?
– Absolutely. Some characters have placeholder animations at the moment, but they will all be remedied before the full release.

Does this work on Mac/Linux?
– SSF2 runs better on Mac than on most Windows computers, actually! As far as Linux, you can always play our game using Chrome until we get an executable finished up.

Is online mode planned?
– It’s in!! 🙂

What about L-Cancelling or (insert some complicated Smash Bros-related acronym here)?
– Probably not included. As far as L-cancelling though, SSF2 has globally reduced landlag (some call this ALR – Aerial Lag Reduction), and instead of being move-specific, it’s mostly character specific with a few exceptions, ranging from 3 to 12 frames (at 30 FPS). If we gave you L-cancelling, you probably wouldn’t need to use it often.

The Flash 2 Sequel Will Happen Under One Condition (Report)

The Flash 2 Sequel Will Happen Under One Condition (Report)

The Flash 2 Sequel Will Happen Under One Condition (Report)

The Flash 2 might still happen with Ezra Miller, provided one condition is met.

The Flash may have just sped its way into theaters, but reports indicated a sequel may already be in the works despite the controversy involving star Ezra Miller.

A script was reportedly finished by last October by Aquaman writer David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick as opposed to The Flash scribe Christina Hodson.

Many believed the script to be abandoned as James Gunn prepares to begin a rebooted DCU with mainly new actors, but it seems not all hope is lost.

Will DC Studios Greenlight The Flash 2?

A new report from The Wrap revealed that despite the plans for a DCU reboot that have been formed since The Flash 2 script was written last year, the sequel remains on the table under one critical condition.

According to The Wrap's insiders with knowledge of the project, The Flash has to pass the box office test and financially succeed before Warner Bros. greenlights the potential sequel.

The Flash is currently tracking for an opening of around $70 million domestically, however, the movie will reportedly need to come close to The Batman's $770 million total - which opened at $129 million - for a sequel to be on the table.

But that's not to say The Flash couldn't have the legs to reach that high bar, as 2018's Aquaman opened to just $67 million and went on to accrue a worldwide total of $1.14 billion due to its massive long-term success overseas.

However, as even Warner Bros. reportedly blames the imminent DCU reboot, partly, for the failure of Shazam 2, The Flash may be doomed to suffer the same fate and thus never spawn a sequel.

Fans will have to wait and see how The Flash performs at both the domestic and worldwide box office, as those results will seemingly be the deciding factor in the chances of an Ezra Miller sequel.

Will Ezra Miller Return in The Flash 2?

As The Flash star Ezra Miller continues to be the subject of controversy after facing arrests for disorderly conduct, harassment, and even pleading guilty to felony burglary, one has to wonder what future they may have with DC.

At one point, Warner Bros. was reported to be weighing a variety of options from The Flash, ranging from canceling the movie altogether to continuing as normal with Miller just taking a reduced role in the movie's marketing and press tour.

The actor has since issued a statement on their recovery noting their "complex mental health issues," and Miller has since reportedly had a "very positive meeting" with Warner Bros. executives.

All of these signs point to a recovering Ezra Miller, and reports claimed this has led to Warner Bros. executives being open to them sticking around as The Flash.

Director Andy Muschietti has already been clear that "if [The Flash 2] happens" under his watch, Miller will return as the lead, particularly praising the performance they delivered and their commitment to the role.

Speaking on the chances of Miller returning as Barry Allen, DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn appeared to offer a much less definitive "wait and see" answer in April, perhaps indicating how their future may hinge on the success of The Flash.

What Will Happen in The Flash 2?

News that a script for The Flash 2 had been written was first reported in October 2022, with the story hailing from Aquaman screenwriter David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick instead of The Flash scribe Christina Hodson.

Regarding the story, both Sasha Calle's Supergirl and Michael Keaton's Batman were reportedly involved in the script as guest stars, although that was written before the movie's ending was changed to remove the pair.

Andy Muschietti recently threw out a few ideas for the Flash's next foe in an interview with The Playlist including Reverse Flash, The Turtle, and Gorilla Grodd, but it's unclear if these were personal hopes or coming from the sequel script.

With the DCU setting course for a fully-fledged reboot, The Flash 2, if it were to happen, may well be placed under the Elseworlds brand of projects outside of the main connected universe, potentially allowing a way to continue exploring some of the DCEU's more popular heroes in a smaller way.

As the goal behind James Gunn's DCU appears to be a fresh start, it would be surprising to see Ezra Miller's Flash in the new universe. But perhaps he may get to continue having adventures of his own elsewhere in the Multiverse, similar to how The Batman franchise will continue standalone alongside the reboot.

The Flash is playing now in theaters worldwide.

Shazam! 2 Features a Cameo From the Original Billy Batson

Shazam! 2 Features a Cameo From the Original Billy Batson

Shazam! 2’s Most Unexpected Cameo Honors the Titular Hero’s History

Shazam! Fury of the Gods features a cameo from the classic TV version of Billy Batson, finally giving the 1970s series its long-deserved due.

The following contains spoilers for Shazam! Fury of the Gods, in theaters now.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods is only the second appearance of the World's Mightiest Mortal In the DC Universe films, but the character's history goes back several decades. That saw him become one of the first superheroes ever adapted outside the world of comics. One cameo in the new film even homages this history.

While not as well-known as other superhero shows in the 1970s, the Shazam! TV series was still a classic of the time. Long overlooked and somewhat denied its place in old-school superhero media canon, the series and its star are now being honored through a very different incarnation of Billy Batson. Here's how the new "Captain Marvel" met the version from the '70s.

TV's First Shazam Is in Fury of the Gods

During the climax of the Fury of the Gods, the Shazam Family -- namely Billy's superhero alter ego -- finally begins to become accepted by the citizens of Philadelphia. That sadly only comes after the Daughters of Atlas encase the city in a magical dome and ravage it with mythological monsters. Even with the rest of his family losing their powers, Billy/Shazam goes it alone against Kalypso and her vile wooden dragon. Throwing cars and lightning at the beast, he's backed up by a choir of supportive civilians. And despite having mocked him and his heroic efforts, the townspeople now celebrate him, namely one older man wearing a familiar red and yellow shirt.

And that is none other than Michael Gray, who portrayed Billy/Captain Marvel in the 1974 Shazam! TV series. As if his appearance (which mirrors his on the show in the form of Billy's classic comic book wardrobe) wasn't enough, he encourages Zachary Levi's Billy by telling him, "You go, Captain Marvel!" The line is one of the film's best Easter eggs and spotlights an often-overlooked part of the hero's history.

The Shazam! TV Series Is Underrated

When it comes to old-school superhero shows, many will recall the Adam West Batman TV series, the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman show and perhaps even the George Reeves Superman show. The '70s also had the live-action Incredible Hulk series that made the jade giant a household name, but the Shazam! show of the same era isn't remembered quite as much. The premise was somewhat different and more grounded than the fairly whimsical Fawcett Comics, with Billy traveling around the country with a man named Mentor (essentially a mortal stand-in for the Wizard Shazam) looking for trouble to fix. That may have upset some fans of the classic character, but the show was definitely successful in its own right.

It led to a spinoff titled The Secrets of Isis, a completely original superhero series not based on a preexisting DC or Fawcett property. The Isis character would later be adapted into the DC Universe, with the heroine's mortal alter ego being a prominent character in 2022's Black Adam. It would even be referenced via the Rust Bucket (a vehicle similar to the camper driven in Shazam!) in the cartoon Ben 10, which had a license plate that read as S81Z1M (Shazam). Thus, it's impossible to deny the impact of the show on the hero and his development, and remembering it using someone that many people saw as Billy Batson was perhaps the best way to give the series reverence.

To see TV's original Captain Marvel, Shazam! Fury of the Gods is now playing in theaters.

Shazam 2: Fury of the Gods Review - The Shazamily Lair Is Too Crowded - GameSpot

Shazam 2: Fury of the Gods Review - The Shazamily Lair Is Too Crowded - GameSpot

Shazam 2: Fury of the Gods Review - The Shazamily Lair Is Too Crowded

One Shazam is a party, but six of them are too much of a crowd.

on March 16, 2023 at 11:44AM PDT

Shazam: Fury of the Gods was actually supposed to arrive in theaters almost a year ago. In the time since then, the fate of the DC film universe--and content universe as a whole--has been turned on its head with James Gunn and Peter Safran taking over executive duties from Walter Hameda. While not a lot is known about where Gunn and Safran want to take DC's film universe, we do know that they are essentially burning the house that Zack Snyder and Geoff Johns built to the ground and starting (kind of) from scratch.

This brief lesson in Hollywood politics and inside baseball is all to say that Fury of the Gods has not only the pressure of a pandemic-delayed film but also the fate of the franchise on its shoulders. The question on the minds of viewers going into the theater is not just is the movie good or bad, but does Shazam: Fury of the Gods make a case for the Shazamily to live on? Kind of, but not really.

Shazam remains a bright spot of humor and heart within the dying DCEU. The second film keeps the comedy of teenagers morphing into the bodies of their super-powered, older alter-egos intact and manages to weave in a heartwarming backstory even more effectively than the first film. In the sequel, Billy (Asher Angel) is months away from turning 18 and aging out of the foster care system. Faced with the fear of being turned out of his newfound home once the state stops sending checks to his foster parents, Billy is ardently pushing for the Shazamily to fully mesh as a group and cement themselves as a family before circumstances tear them apart. Unfortunately, they each have individual interests and goals that don't leave them with much time or desire for teambuilding or family bonding. Trying to stick together only becomes more complicated when the three daughters of the vengeful god Atlas--played by Helen Mirren, Lucy Liu, and Rachel Zegler--arrive, ready to take the Shazamily's powers to restore their decaying world after being stuck there by the Wizard (Djmon Honsou).

Jack Dylan Grazer, who plays Billy's best friend and surrogate brother Freddy, once again steals the show. He's the non-Shazam character given the most to do as he desperately wants to find his own path and figure out his own superhero identity after Billy gifted him with powers. He has the most compelling story out of Billy's counterparts and foes, but that's also the major problem with the movie.

The Shazamily is Billy's five foster siblings plus Shazam (Zachary Levi) himself, not to mention Billy's foster parents, who are not an insignificant part of Billy's crisis. Then you have to throw in not one but three villains, the Wizard, and a freakin' dragon. Shazam: Fury of the Gods is crushed by the weight of all of the characters it needs to surface. The movie does give everyone at least a moment to shine, but a moment should not be confused with development or purpose. It's hard to say that we come out of Fury of the Gods knowing any of Billy's siblings besides Darla (Faithe Herman/Meagan Goode) and Freddy any better than we did after the first film, despite getting more screen time.

While the story may be too big for the movie's confines (even when it's stretched to a long two hours and 10 minutes), it does look good. The villains feel more threatening. The destruction they bring feels more chaotic. The dragon lives up to the hype. The most pleasant surprise, without spoilers, is that Bronies and Horse Girls alike will walk out of Shazam: Fury of the Gods as vindicated winners, and that is no small feat in a superhero film.

Shazam: Fury of the Gods is a fun watch, and we love that, but it’s not breaking any superhero molds. In a pop culture landscape where there’s a new superhero movie or TV show every five seconds, being fun isn’t enough to stand out. Going to the theater requires money, and more importantly, time that people are being more precious with in a COVID-19 world. Shazam's unique humor makes him the most capable hero in the old DC to make the transition to Gunn and Safran's new regime (ahem, not to tell you what to do, but we recommend staying in your seat until all of the credits roll on Fury of the Gods), but we need more than fun to make the investment worthwhile.

Shazam: Fury of the Gods hits theaters on March 17.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods - Rotten Tomatoes

Shazam! Fury of the Gods - Rotten Tomatoes

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Critics Consensus More unfocused and less satisfying than its predecessor, Shazam! Fury of the Gods still retains almost enough of the source material's silly charm to save the day. Read critic reviews

Audience Says A sequel with plenty of action and tons of heart, Shazam! Fury of the Gods should satisfy anyone who enjoyed the first film. Read audience reviews

Where to watch Shazam! Fury of the Gods

In Theaters Rent/buy Subscription Subscription Rent/buy Watch Shazam! Fury of the Gods with a subscription on Max, Amazon Prime Video, rent on Vudu, Apple TV, or buy on Vudu, Apple TV.

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Your AMC Ticket Confirmation# can be found in your order confirmation email.

Shazam! Fury of the Gods videos

Shazam! Fury of the Gods: Extended Preview

Shazam! Fury of the Gods: Extended Preview

CLIP 10:04 What to Watch: Shazam! Fury of the Gods, Ted Lasso S3, the Magical Shadow and Bone S2, & More!

What to Watch: Shazam! Fury of the Gods, Ted Lasso S3, the Magical Shadow and Bone S2, & More!

5:10 Shazam! Fury of the Gods: Trailer 2

Shazam! Fury of the Gods: Trailer 2

TRAILER 2:22 Shazam! Fury of the Gods: Comic-Con Trailer
