The Avengers #6 Review - The Super Powered Fancast

The Avengers #6 Review - The Super Powered Fancast

The Super Powered Fancast

The Rundown: The Avengers make a final stand against the Ashen Combine.

As Captain America and Black Panther deal with the Impossible City, the rest of the Avengers make their final stands against the members of the Ashen Combine. Utilizing new tactics, the heroes find a way to use the invaders own powers against them.

At the same time, T’Challa decides to try a new tactic with the city itself. One that could not only free it from their influence, but give it a new purpose.

The Story: MacKay crafts an exciting conclusion to this arc that has some predictable moments, but also some fun surprises that I didn’t expect. I liked the tone of the story a lot and how it utilizes the intellectual strengths of the Avengers. The action is great and there are some awesome moments for each character. I like where this story leaves the team at the end and look forward to seeing what comes next for them.

The Art: Fiorelli delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. The action is visually thrilling and creates some awesome moments for the characters.


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